Here you will find specifications and information about the discontinued DALI 101-109 speakers
Most Loudspeakers force you to make a crucial buying decision: Do you want purist audiophile qualities such as a detailed, three-dimensional, musically coherent sonic illusion? Or do you want the raw power, dynamics and high sound pressure levels of the concert hall experience? With the DALI 101-109 Series you can have it both ways.

DALI 109
Its effortless ability to convey a seamless blend of dramatic dynamics and a wealth of muscial detail makes the DALI 109 a strong all-round contender regardless of your musical preferences.
DALI 107
Key word for the DALI 107 is timing, the feeling of engagement created by the fast and precise reproduction of the beat in music. Even though the DALI 107 incorporates three drive units, hours of intensive listening sessions has made timing one of its major forces.
DALI 103
The DALI 103 is a room and amplifier-friendly loudspeaker, capable of performing at its best anywhere at any time
DALI 104
The way the DALI 104 reproduces music can be summed up in one word: “Live” the sensation of being there when the show is on. To achieve this, the DALI 104 incorporates such essential DALI technology as the Linear Directivity crossover to ensure linear frequency response even at extreme angels off-axis for the optimum speaker/room interface.
DALI 102
DALI 102 – our smallest speaker, but don’t be fooled by this tiny giant.
DALI 101
The smallest member of the distinguished DALI family of loudspeakers is especially designed to provide spacious sound without taking up precious space.