Plus X for DALI FAZON F5

The brand new DALI FAZON F5 speaker has just received the German Plus X Award.

A lot is happening for FAZON F5 at the moment. It is introduced at the High-End in Munich, there'll be a web microsite solely dedicated FAZON F5 in full animation - and now it's won the Plus X Award for Design and High Quality.

The Jury states the following:

Dali is a loudspeaker manufacturer that pays attention not only to audio quality but also optical design. The Fazon F5 is a perfect symbiosis of form and function. Its unique shape also brings acoustic advantages. The quality of workmanship is excellent - as one has come to expect from this Danish company. The panel of judges is certain that both Dali design lovers and music aficionados will appreciate the F5.

■Outstanding design
■High-quality workmanship
■Flawless audio quality
