To avoid damage to your amplifier/receiver, please make sure that power is switched off before making or changing any connections.
The quality of the cables and the connections influence the sound reproduction. Choose a speaker cable that suits your equipment and musical taste. Always use equal lengths of cables for the left and right loudspeakers.
It is important that connections are correctly made and in phase (Plus-to-Plus and Minus-to-Minus). An incorrect, out of phase connecton will result in a diffuse stereo image and weak bass. Each speaker cable must be connected in phase, i.e., from the Red Plus (+) terminal on the amplifier to the corresponding Red Plus (+) terminal on the loudspeaker, and from the Black Minus (-) terminal on the amplifier to the corresponding Black Minus (-) terminal on the speaker.
In a stereo system, the amplifier's right channel output connects to the right loudspeaker and the ampflifier's left channel output connects to the left speaker.
In a surround system, all speakers connect to the surround amplifier's loudspeaker outputs: Right front amplifier channel to right front loudspeaker, left front amplifier channel to left front loudspeaker, left rear amplifier channel to left rear speaker, right rear amplifier channel to right rear speaker and center amplifier channel to center speaker.
Tighten all connections firmly for maximum contact, so that the cables do not loose connection. Make sure that no loose strands of wire are sticking out, this may cause damage to your amplifier. Wire connected to a terminal must never touch wire connected to the opposite terminal. Be aware that connections may loosen after some time, therefore it's a good idea to re-tighten them once in a while.
"In music, the passions enjoy themselves."
- Friedrich Nietzche