ZENSOR 1 - The small ones sometimes surprise

The Dutch magazine "Alpha Audio" has had a close encounter with the small ZENSOR 1 and is truly suprised with the great sound!

In Denmark we have a way of saying: "Don't judge a book by it's cover", and this quotation suits really well for this Dutch review of the small ZENSOR 1.
The pair of ZENSOR 1's might not look like a powerful set of speakers, and when judging the speakers by their size, the reviewers didn't expect decent sound. But the reviewers were suprised with the honest and open sound coming from the ZENSOR 1's and then to such a great price!

The reviewers praise the fine tweeter that provides the openness in the sound, and are also amazed with how much these small speakers are capabla of. The reviewers could remain blind starring at the specifications from the ZENSOR 1, but when the speakers play, they simply just listened.

There's no doubt about that the ZENSOR 1's performance exceed the reviewers expectations, and in addition to this, the ZENSOR 1's also outperforms other models in that price range.

The full review is available at alpha-audio.nl
