DALI IO-6: "Абсолютный звук"
24. Бер 2020Наушники DALI IO-6 были протестированы порталом hifitrends.com. "Эти роскошные наушники сногсшибательно выглядят и отлично звучат".
Саундбар KATCH ONE получил одобрение редакции The Telegraph
20. Бер 2020Саундбар KATCH ONE был высоко оценен журналом The Telegraph и получил статус "Рекомендуемого продукта".
Наушники DALI IO-6 получили значок "Выбор редакции" от Techhive.com
17. Бер 2020"Эти беспроводные наушники премиум-класса отличаются теплым звучанием, великолепным шумоподавлением, отлично продуманным интерфейсом и очень долгим временем работы от аккумулятора". – заключил Скотт Уилкинсон из Techhive.com
DALI KATCH: Лучшая беспроводная колонка 2020 года в своей ценовой категории
11. Бер 2020Обзор DALI KATCH в WIRED UK: "Чистое, энергичное звучание. Отлично сделана! Большой заряд аккумулятора"
RUBICON 2 C получает "Пять звезд" от журнала WHAT HI-FI?
05. Бер 2020"Благодаря широким возможностям Sound Hub колонки DALI RUBICON 2 C – очень привлекательное решение "все-в-одном". - так завершается тест журнала WHAT HI-FI?, по итогам которого колонки DALI RUBICON 2 C были удостоены высшей награды "Пять звезд".
DALI SUB E-9F назван одним из лучших сабвуферов для покупки в 2020 году
03. Бер 2020SUB E-9F рассматривался в составе компактной системы Oberon 5.1. Обозреватель журнала Sound&Vision Дэниел Кумин отмечает способность этого сабвуфера великолепно воспроизводить чистые и динамичные басы как в музыке, так и в звуковом сопровождении фильмов.
"6 звезд" и значок "MUST" для колонок DALI RUBICON 2 C от ресурса AVCESAR.com
25. Лют 2020Французский Hi-Fi журнал AVCESAR.COM протестировал DALI RUBICON 2C + SOUND HUB и наградил систему "6 звездами" и значком "MUST", назвав ощущения от прослушивания "чистым наслаждением".
DALI RUBICON 2 C - привлекательное современное решение
10. Січ 2020Активным беспроводным колонкам DALI RUBICON 2 C посвящен видеообзор голландского эксперта Ганса Беекхузена. На видео Ганс подробно описывает систему RUBICON 2 C и ее широкие возможности.
Аплодисменты для DALI OBERON 5
06. Січ 2020Напольники OBERON 5 получили значок "Аплодисменты" и "5 звезд" от австралийского журнала StereoNet.
DALI OBERON ON-WALL: надежность и детальность
13. Гру 2019Журнал Home Cinema Choice протестировал настенную акустику OBERON ON-WALL и присудил этим колонкам статус "Home Cinema Choice рекомендует"!
DALI IO-6: "Басы живые и настоящие, когда этого требует музыка"
04. Гру 2019Наушникам DALI IO-6 посвящена статья Валентина Лефорта на ресурсе SON-VIDEO.com. Обозреватель хвалит басы, интуитивный интерфейс и комфортность
Беспроводные наушники DALI IO-6 протестировал ресурс AV2D
04. Гру 2019"Наушники DALI IO-6 ни разу не дали мне повода для разочарования", - пишет Эдуард Хендрикс из бельгийского журнала AV2D.
Наушники DALI IO-6 получили "6 звезд" от AVCESAR
03. Гру 2019Французский журнал AVCESAR протестировал беспроводные наушники DALI IO-6 и присудил им "6 звезд". Читайте обзор Гвендаля Ларса
OBERON 5 5.1: отличные исполнители
26. Вер 2019Система OBERON 5 5.1 получила "5 звезд" в обзоре журнала What Hi-Fi?
OBERON 5: динамичные, энергичные и увлекающие
28. Лют 2019Колонки OBERON 5 заняли первое место в групповом тесте журнала Hi-Fi Choice.
Портативная колонка DALI KATCH: чрезвычайно интерсная
28. Лют 2019Журнал Home Cinema Choice определил DALI KATCH победителем группового теста!
CALLISTO 2 C: "Эти колонки класса high-end созданы для реального мира"
28. Лют 2019Джон Дарко, обозреватель YouTube канала Darko Audio, исследовал колонки CALLISTO 2 C.
14. Гру 2018Колонки OBERON 7 очаровали обозревателя последнего номера журнала Hi-Fi Choice.
CALLISTO 6C и SOUND HUB: премиум звучание и удобство беспроводных технологий
10. Гру 2018Колонки CALLISTO 6C и беспроводной контроллер SOUND HUB получили великолепный обзор в журнале What Hi-Fi?
03. Гру 2018Журнал What Hi-Fi? наградил OBERON 1 пятью звездами и фантастическим обзором!
30. Лис 2018Эксперты ON-Mag протестировали DALI OBERON 5, и поняли, почему эти колонки получили пять звезд от журнала WHAT HI-FI?
20. Лис 2018OBERON 7 в недавнем тесте «сбивает с ног» обозревателя из Tweak.dk.
19. Лис 2018DALI KATCH тестируется журналом Hi-Fi Choice и занимает первое место!
15. Лис 2018Audiofi.net протестировал OBERON 3, которая была более чем ожидаемой в этой ценовой категории.
CALLISTO 2 C: Big, warm and inviting sound
01. Лис 2018The DALI CALLISTO 2 C merits a solid recommendation and a Reviewers’ Choice award, Soundstage! Simplifi says after testing the wireless speaker system.
25. Жов 2018Система 5.1 на базе колонок SPEKTOR 2 была протестирована журналом What Hi-Fi?, и получила "пять звезд"!
01. Жов 2018DALI SPEKTOR 2 создают серьезную конкуренцию в этом ценовом диапазоне для своих соперников в недавнем групповом тесте журнала Hi-Fi Choice.
CALLISTO 6 C: The most innovative active speaker concept on the market
01. Жов 2018The DALI CALLISTO 6 C impresses after going under ModernHifi’s scrutiny.
OBERON 5: "Пять звезд" и обзор What Hi-Fi?
19. Вер 2018Эти превосходные напольники заняли почетное место среди лучших
14. Вер 2018Не обманывайтесь ее крохотными размерами - эта маленькая колонка доказывает, что небольшое в размерах устройство может намного больше.
DALI CALLISTO 6 C: хорошо продуманная и полноценная система
12. Вер 2018HiFi Journal протестировал колонки CALLISTO 6 C. По их мнению, DALI удалось создать аудиофильскую, удобную беспроводную акустическую систему.
15. Сер 2018DALI CALLISTO 6 C и DALI Sound Hub получили награду EISA за лучшую беспроводную акустическую систему.
25. Лип 2018SPEKTOR 2 представлены в групповом тесте «What Hi-Fi?» и заняли в нем первое место!
28. Чер 2018Сайт он-лайн обзоров «Expert Reviews» настолько впечатлен DALI KATCH, что оценил колонку в 5 звезд! «Ничто другое не дарит музыку так же, как это делают замечательные DALI KATCH».
22. Чер 2018DALI CALLISTO 2 C легко слушать.
17. Чер 2018Очень приятный 3D-звук.
13. Чер 2018Я не могу не рекомендовать DALI «Thirtyfive Years», Vol. 5.
07. Чер 2018Самые тонкие детали в музыке становятся слышимыми, а контроль низких частот особенно хорош.
05. Чер 2018Шаг в будущее прослушивания.
CALLISTO 6 C: звучат и выглядят прекрасно
25. Тра 2018Портал Alpha-Audio протестировал беспроводную акустику DALI CALLISTO 6 C и отмечает великолепную динамику и управляемость этих колонок.
SPEKTOR 2: блестящий компактные колонки
26. Кві 2018"Учитывая стоимость, абсолютно не к чему придраться" - заявляет ресурс Lyd & Billede после тестирования SPEKTOR 2.
26. Кві 2018«Мгновенно впечатляющая звуковая сцена с хорошей пространственностью» - журнал «Hi-Fi Choice» обозревает DALI OPTICON 1 в своем последнем выпуске.
OPTICON 8: убедительны по всем музыкально важным показателям
17. Кві 2018Вы должны послушать сами, как хорошо звучат эти колонки
15. Кві 2018В своей категории колонка является хорошим выбором, очень серьезным и мудрым.
20. Лют 2018Они способны обеспечить очень хорошую точность и чистый звук. Они преуспевают в создании хорошо сфокусированного звуковой картинки, и это именно то, что ожидается для трехмерных звуковых эффектов.
08. Лют 2018DALI SPEKTOR 1 представлен в групповом тесте журнала «What Hi-Fi?»!
28. Гру 2017Журнал «STEREO» впечатлен после прослушивания DALI PHANTOM S-280.
ZENSOR 1 AX: превзошли ожидания
27. Гру 2017Звук ZENSOR 1 AX поразил экспертов Rateyoursound: «Лучше звучат, чем вы предполагали, возможно», - говорят они.
17. Лис 2017Колонки SPEKTOR 1 получили 5 звезд в обзоре журнала What Hi-Fi? Как пишет издание, "редко удается встретить компактные бюджетные колонки со столь широким диапазоном талантов".
DALI PHANTOM S series: Review by Heimkino (DE)
14. Сер 2017In their review of the high-end DALI PHANTOM S series, the German hi-fi magazine, Heimkino, finds the in-wall speaker range quite extraordinary.
DALI PHANTOM S series: Review by Heimkino (DE)
14. Сер 2017The German hi-fi magazine, Heimkino, find the new PHANTOM S series quite extraordinary.
PHANTOM S-Series 5.1: "Exhibit a premium finish and premium craftsmanship” according to Home Cinema Choice
09. Сер 2017Mark Craven has tested the PHANTOM S-Series in September 2017’s edition of Home Cinema Choice. He looks at the PHANTOM S 5.1 system which included a pair of PHANTOM S-280, a pair of PHANTOM S-80, the PHANTOM S-180 as the centre channel and the DALI SUB K-14 F.
01. Сер 2017Немецкий hi-fi веб-сайт i-fidelity.net попросил двух пользователей не-аудиофилов, которые не были ранее знакомы с DALI, протестировать портативную Bluetooth-колонку DALI KATCH.
DALI SPEKTOR 6: A well-performing universal speaker
28. Чер 2017“In this category, this DALI is at the top and is a purchase that you will not be able to regret.” This is one of the conclusions from the review of SPEKTOR 6 made by the Dutch hi-fi website, hifi.nl.
DALI SPEKTOR 1 + 6: Emotional sophistication
26. Чер 2017The Czech magazine Hifi-Voice has has a close encounter with the SPEKTOR 1 and SPEKTOR 6, and both speaker setups deliver great musicality.
DALI SPEKTOR 2: Pure pleasure
23. Чер 2017Stereolife.pl, a Polish hi-fi website, has fallen in love with the compact SPEKTOR 2. The reason is simple… “Hygge”.
ZENSOR 5AX: Praised by Forbes for its superb sound reproduction!
13. Чер 2017Forbes reviewer Mark Sparrow explores how the ZENSOR 5 AX is the perfect solution for those who want “the lovely wide stereo soundstage of a conventional hi-fi system but without the clutter of separates.”
DALI KATCH raises the bar for Bluetooth speakers
10. Чер 2017The DALI KATCH features in The Telegraph's Luxury Technology section and impresses reviewer Ken Kessler!
DALI KATCH: ”Impressive sound from a small device like a sand-wich box”
06. Чер 2017The Dutch online magazine, AudioVideo2day.com, has had a close encounter with the DALI KATCH, and they are excited.
02. Чер 2017Уверенное звучание с потрясающей динамикой. Так описал венгерский журнал AV-Online серию DALI SPEKTOR
22. Бер 2017Колонки DALI SPEKTOR 6 были протестированы венгерским Hi-Fi порталом HifiPiac. Вердикт: "Отличное соотношение цена/качество. Эти колонки идеально подходят для вступления в мир качественного звука".
SPEKTOR SERIES: " A golden ticket to discover the famous Danish sound"
24. Лют 2017The editor of Son-video's blog section, Tristan Jacquel, has been testing the new DALI SPEKTOR series.
Dali Spektor 5.0: «Занимает первое место в этом сегменте рынка»
24. Лют 2017Немецкий журнал AREADVD протестировал комплект Spektor 5.0, который включает в себя модели Spektor 6, 2 и VOKAL, и в результате Spektor 5.0 был назван «эталонной» акустикой в классе многоканальных систем.
15. Лют 2017A premium feel and a superb sound. That is how YouTuber Weston D. from UK would describe his experience with the DALI KATCH.
ZENSOR 5 AX: Review by WHAT HI-FI? (UK)
09. Лют 2017The well-known hi-fi magazine, WHAT HI-FI, has tested the ZENSOR 5 AXs, which resulted in a full-house of 5 stars.
DALI KATCH – A top performance
03. Лют 2017The German Hi-Fi Journal has labeled the DALI KATCH with “Referenz Mobile Lautsprecher” at their very first encounter... Intrigued?
OPTICON 8: Review by i-fidelity.net
31. Січ 2017The flagship model of the OPTICON series received a splendid review from i-fidelity.net and was named as “reference” speaker in its price range!
DALI OPTICON 2: Simply impressive
23. Січ 2017The OPTICON 2 has received the recommendation “referenz” by AREA DVD.
RUBICON 6: Review by Lite-Magazine (DE)
18. Січ 2017The German Lite-Magazine has tested RUBICON 6, and they define it as a pure pleasure.
21. Гру 2016According to the German website, the OPTICON 1 is excellent in every aspect.
DALI KATCH: Review by Trusted Reviews (UK)
04. Лис 2016Trusted Reviews has tested the DALI KATCH, which they call a stunning portable proposition.
DALI KATCH: Review by Forbes Magazine (US)
27. Жов 2016“Could the DALI KATCH be the best Bluetooth wireless speaker ever made?” That is the question, which Forbes reviewer, Mark Sparrow asks himself after testing the DALI KATCH.
DALI KATCH: Review by ModernHifi (DE)
26. Жов 2016ModernHifi has recently tested the DALI KATCH and they find that it outmatches its competitors
DALI KATCH: Review by Grupo Appleros Multimedia (ES)
25. Жов 2016Daniel Gonzalez from Spanish Grupo Appleros Multimedia has tested the DALI KATCH and recommends it as a Christmas present
DALI KATCH: Review by StereoNET (AU)
18. Жов 2016The Australian magazine StereoNET has tested the DALI KATCH and calls it class-leading
DALI KATCH: Review by Area DVD
06. Жов 2016According to Area DVD excellent workmanship, noble design and wide configuration is what characterizes the DALI KATCH
DALI KATCH: Review by Lite Magazin (DE)
05. Жов 2016With DALI KATCH, DALI impresses on design, size and configuration, according to Lite Magazin
DALI KATCH: Review by i-fidelity (DE)
26. Вер 2016I-fidelity likes the DALI KATCH after testing it
08. Вер 2016The first review are in. The DALI KATCH receives 5 out of 5 stars in the latest review by UK hi-fi magazine WHAT HI-FI?
RUBICON 6: Awarded Editors’ Choice by The Absolute Sound
14. Лип 2016The RUBICON 6 has been awarded 2016 Editors’ Choice in the category ‘Loudspeakers $5,000-$10,000’.
The DALI LP: Review by Hifi.nl
04. Лип 2016Hifi.nl has reviewed the DALI LP, which they call a collector's item
OPTICON 2: Review by Hi-Fi World (UK)
01. Лип 2016Hi-Fi World finds nothing to dislike after testing the OPTICON 2.
MENUET: Review by Gadgetynews.com
08. Чер 2016Gadgetynews.com has tested the MENUET - a speaker with great character.
OPTICON 6 5.1: Review by Trusted Reviews (UK)
01. Чер 2016Trusted Reviews is impressed by the OPTICON 6 5.1 system’s performance
01. Чер 2016Home Cinema Choice has tested the OPTICON 6 5.1 system and thinks that it is a treat to listen to
01. Чер 2016WHAT HI-FI? recently did a test on soundbars and selected the DALI KUBIK ONE as the superstar of the test.
ZENSOR 1 AX: Review by ON Magazine
10. Тра 2016The wireless ZENSOR 1 AX has been reviewed in the French magazine On Magazine.
03. Тра 2016Hungarian AV Online recommends the DALI SUB K-14 F
ZENSOR 5 AX: Review by Hi-Fi Choice (UK)
02. Тра 2016ZENSOR 5 AX gets five stars in Hi-Fi Choice
ZENSOR 1 AX: Review by The Guardian (UK)
01. Тра 2016The ZENSOR 1 AX is part of the Guardian’s ‘Six of the best wi-fi speakers’
RUBICON 5.1: Review by Les Années Laser (FR)
01. Тра 2016The French Home Cinema magazine, Les Années Laser, has published an article about the RUBICON range and it sure tickles in their ears.
OPTICON 1: TONE Audio (US) review
21. Кві 2016TONE Audio found it rewarding to learn out about the OPTICON 1, which they did a review of in their March edition.
RUBICON 8 5.0: Review by American Sound & Vision
08. Кві 2016Sound & Vision did a test of the DALI RUBICON 8 5.0 speaker system and found it truly special.
RUBICON 5: Review by German Hifi & Records
05. Кві 2016The German hi-fi magazine Hifi & Records did a review of the RUBICON 5 in their April-June edition, 2016.
01. Кві 2016HI-FI WORLD has tested the RUBICON 5 and calls it an enjoyable loudspeaker.
22. Бер 2016The British lifestyle site GadgetyNews tested the RUBICON 5 and enjoyed it.
03. Бер 2016TONEAudio has tested the OPTICON 1, which impresses them
02. Бер 2016Gramophone has tested the MENUET and calls it special and remarkable
01. Бер 2016ZENSOR 3 вновь появился на страницах журнала «WHAT HI-Fi?», на этот раз как участник списка из 20 лучших акустических систем.
01. Бер 2016Журнал «HI-FI Choice» протестировал акустические системы DALI MENUET и назвал их самыми симпатичными колонками в группе испытуемых.
01. Бер 2016Журнал «HI-FI+» протестировал акустические системы EPICON 8 и назвал их победителями.
KUBIK ONE: на британском музыкальном веб-сайте THE 405
03. Лют 2016Британский музыкальный веб-сайт “THE 405» (03 February 2016) протестировал активную аудиосистему DALI KUBIK ONE и дал ей самые высокие оценки
02. Лют 2016Пассивные против активных - немецкий журнал «STEREO» протестировал одновременно две компактных акустических системы, сравнивая их звучание
31. Січ 2016Веб-сайт «OxGadgets» протестировал стереосистему KUBIK ONE и назвал ее довольно впечатляющим устройством.
OPTICON 1 & 2: лидеры в своем ценовом сегменте
22. Січ 2016В онлайн-издании «The Ear» (Friday, January 22, 2016) протестировали сразу две новые акустические системы DALI OPTICON 1 и OPTICON 2.
RUBICON 6: Обзор в журнале "The Absolute Sound"
20. Січ 2016Американский журнал "The Absolute Sound" назвал RUBICON 6 “Датским деликатесом”
04. Січ 2016Журнал «Les Années Laser» протестировал акустические системы OPTICON LCR и выставил им высокую общую оценку 9/10!
ZENSOR AX 1: Review by British What HI-FI?
08. Гру 2015WHAT HI-FI? has reviewed the ZENSOR 1 AX, which they call a good idea
OPTICON 6: Review by French On-TopAudio
09. Лис 2015Pierre Stemmelin from the French online magazine, ON-TopAudio.fr calls the OPTICON 6 a demonstration of knowhow
RUBICON 5: Review by German Stereoplay
30. Жов 2015The German hi-fi magazine, Stereoplay, has carried out a test of the RUBICON 5, and this floor standing speaker is their absolute top sound converter in the test field.
OPTICON 2: Review by German i-fidelity.net
30. Жов 2015The OPTICON 2's are compact and great performers when it comes to converting sound according to the German hi-fi website, i-fidelity.net.
ZENSOR 5 AX: Top class speaker with first class acoustics
27. Жов 2015The online hi-fi magazine Area DVD did a recent test of the ZENSOR 5 AX (and ZENSOR 1 AX), and they were quite impressed with its performance.
RUBICON LCR: Review by French AudioVideoHD
28. Вер 2015The French website AudioVideoHD has tested the RUBICON LCR and calls it a seductress of the soul
ZENSOR PICO 5.1: Review by German Area DVD
02. Вер 2015The German online hi-fi magazine Area DVD has had the chance to test the ZENSOR PICO 5.1 system
RUBICON 8: Review by German Hifi & Records
29. Сер 2015The German magazine Hifi & Records has tested the RUBICON 8 in the 2015 August edition.
EPICON 8: review by TONE Audio (US)
01. Лип 2015TONE Audio has reviewed the EPICON 8 and finds it amazing.
KUBIK ONE: Review by the French AudioVideoHD
01. Чер 2015The French website AudioVideoHD has tested the KUBIK ONE – in their words a seductive soundbar
RUBICON 2: TONE Audio (US) review
14. Тра 2015The TONE Audio reviewer finds the RUBICON 2 speakers 'engaging' and 'captivating'.
RUBICON 8: Review by German AREA DVD
09. Бер 2015With loads of punchy bass and a magnificent treble, the RUBICON 8 shines and is marked as a true “masterpiece” according to the German hi-fi website, AREA DVD.
RUBICON 8: Stereophile review (US)
04. Бер 2015The reviewer from the US hi-fi magazine, Stereophile, is in love with uncolored sound, and during his search after some great speakers, he was presented for the RUBICON 8. Did it overcome his expectations?
RUBICON 2: Review by German i-fidelity.net
16. Лют 2015The German hi-fi website, i-fidelity.net, has had a close encounter with the RUBICON 2, and the reviewer is dazzled.
KUBIK ONE: Pocket-lint review
04. Лют 2015The DALI KUBIK ONE is a statement soundbar if we ever saw one is the opening line from the Pocket-lint review.
KUBIK ONE: Hi-Fi Choice review
02. Лют 2015The DALI KUBIK ONE is featured in the February edition of the UK magazine Hifi Choice, where it receives 4 stars.
RUBICON 2: Stereoplay review (DE)
21. Січ 2015The German hi-fi magazine, Stereoplay, has had a meeting with the compact RUBICON 2, and the result is a marking as a “highlight”.
RUBICON 2: Hifi & Records review (DE)
21. Січ 2015Hifi & Records, a German hi-fi magazine, met the younger sibling of the RUBICON family – the RUBICON 2. The result is a RUBICON 2 that truly shines no matter what.
KUBIK ONE: Review by Trusted Reviews
14. Січ 2015The UK hi-fi magazine, Trusted Reviews, has been DALI fans for quite some time now, and their meeting with the KUBIK ONE hasn’t changed anything – it left the KUBIK ONE with a fantastic score of 9/10 and praising words.
RUBICON 8: Review by The Ear (NL)
13. Січ 2015The RUBICON 8 has dazzled the reviewer from the Dutch hi-fi website, The Ear, from the very first meeting: “I could listen to the system for hours without getting tired or bored”.
08. Січ 2015The German hi-fi magazine, AREA DVD, have had an extraordinary meeting with a 5.1 setup of our EISA award-winning RUBICON LCR together with the DALI SUB P-10 DSS. The setup has dazzled everyone with its flexibility and its excellence regardless of using it as a home theater or stereo setup.
KUBIK ONE: 'Lyd og Billede' review
20. Гру 2014The Nordic magazine 'Lyd og Billede' has tested the KUBIK ONE up against two other soundbars. Find out who comes out on top.
17. Гру 2014The prestigious UK magazine, WHAT HI-FI?, has carried out a thorough supertest among the very best soundbars. And we are truly excited – the DALI KUBIK ONE is praised with five stars and named the overall winner.
RUBICON 8: Review in Lyd og Billede
12. Гру 2014The Scandinavian hi-fi magazine, Lyd & Billede, are thrilled by the RUBICON 8 and provides the big brother of the RUBICON series with 6 out of 6 magnificent stars and the title as “The year’s best 2014-2015” within high-end speakers.
KUBIK FREE: Review in Forbes magazine
03. Гру 2014Forbes magazine, one of the leading sources for reliable business news, have had their hands on the KUBIK FREE. And they love it.
RUBICON 2 – You can hear everything!
13. Лис 2014The Austrian online magazine, Sempre Audio, has reviewed the smallest sibling of the RUBICON family – the RUBICON 2. With its simple and compact design, it immediately catches one’s attention.
Double-up on WHAT HI-FI awards 2014
15. Жов 2014We are very proud to announce that our active darling, the KUBIK FREE, and our great ZENSOR 1 5.1 package both were honored at the industry-recognized WHAT HI-FI? awards.
RUBICON LCR – An excellent allrounder
18. Вер 2014With five RUBICON LCRs and one SUB P-10 DSS, the German hi-fi magazines, Heimkino, tested an elegant and yet powerful surround setup, and the verdict is: the RUBICON LCR’s are on-wall speakers in a class of their own.
RUBICON 5 - Enormously playful
18. Вер 2014Sometimes you tend to forget the one in the middle. This is definitely not the case with the RUBICON 5 according to the recognized German hi-fi magazine, AUDIO, who are dazzled by this darling.
EPICON 8 – Top performance
12. Вер 2014The Brazillian hi-fi magazine, AV MAG, has tested our flagship of the EPICON series, the magnificent EPICON 8. The result is a thrilled reviewer, who hasn’t seen such a perfect speaker in two years in correlation to its price and performance.
KUBIK FREE – Sleek Danish design
01. Вер 2014The science and technology magazine, BBC FOCUS, have tested bluetooth speakers for indoor and outdoor use. Our KUBIK was among them, and was praised with 4/5 stars.
RUBICON LCR - Five stars for epic multichannel audio
28. Сер 2014The UK magazine, Home Cinema Choice, went all in with a RUBICON LCR 5.1 setup, and the result is outstanding – these darlings are able to make sense of everything.
RUBICON 2 – Five fantastic stars from WHAT Hi-FI?
25. Сер 2014The prestigious UK magazine WHAT HI-FI? are huge fans of the new RUBICON 2 and has provided this small beauty with five flying stars for their speed, agility and balance.
RUBICON LCR – Extraordinary sound
21. Сер 2014The French hi-fi magazine, HIFI VIDÉO, has had the chance to test the EISA-winning RUBICON LCR, and they are more than pleased with the RUBICON LCR in every aspect.
DALI RUBICON LCR – получила награду EISA
15. Сер 2014Мы с гордостью объявляем, что акустическая система DALI RUBICON LCR завоевала награду EISA как «Лучший продукт 2014/2015" - "Best Product 2014/2015" в категории «Европейская настенная акустическая система» - "EUROPEAN On-Wall Speaker". Эта престижная награда была присуждена экспертами, представляющими hi-fi журналы со всей Европы.
RUBICON 6 – Simply magnificent
13. Сер 2014The well-known German hi-fi magazine, STEREO, has had a convincing meeting with the new Danish prince, the RUBICON 6.
EPICON 8 – Sovereign presence
07. Лип 2014The German hi-fi website i-fidelity.net has taken a closer look at our flagship in the EPICON series: the EPICON 8. The verdict is clear: It’s magnificent in every single way.
EPICON 6 – An audiophile all-rounder
07. Лип 2014With the EPICON 6, the Austrian hi-fi website Sempre Audio fell head over heels in love naming it a true masterpiece. The EPICON 6 is without any doubt fashionable elegance for music enthusiasts.
RUBICON LCR – Designed to dazzle you
04. Лип 2014The recognized German hi-fi magazine, STEREO, are the first to make a review of our new RUBICON LCR. With its wide variety of applications, the RUBICON LCR convinced them in both looks and sound performance, and stole their hearts.
EPICON 2 – Top notch in every aspect
03. Лип 2014The German hi-fi website, AREADVD, has taken a glance at our precious EPICON 2 and the verdict is that this compact speaker is beautiful and acoustically brilliant, which has provided the speaker with the finest result "REFERENZ".
KUBIK FREE – The audiophile approach to an active speaker
02. Лип 2014The KUBIK FREE has been reviewed by the US lifestyle website, about.com, and the reviewer indeed learned that one shouldn’t judge an active speaker by its price, because the KUBIK FREE is not like anything else.
FAZON MIKRO – A trinity of beauty, value & performance
20. Чер 2014The US hi-fi magazine, TONEAudio, has had a great meeting with the smallest member of the FAZON series, a 5.1 setup with the FAZON MIKROs and the DALI SUB 1, and the result is indeed more than satisfying.
IKON 2 MK2 – Dares to be different
23. Кві 2014The UK hi-fi magazine, Hi-fi Choice, has carried out a group test of standmount speakers between £639-£810, and here among they became pleasantly acquainted with our IKON 2 MK2 resulting in 4 out of 5 stars.
FAZON MIKRO 5.1 – Small, but powerful performance
23. Кві 2014The UK magazine, What Satellite & Digital TV, has tested a FAZON MIKRO 5.1 setup with the SUB E-9 F, and the verdict is striking: “[…] an impressively assured speaker package that puts in a consistently controlled and immersive performance with movies and music.”
IKON 1 MK2 – Tremendous value for money
22. Кві 2014The prestigious UK hi-fi magazine, WHAT HI-FI?, has had a close encounter with the smallest sibling of our well-known IKON MK2 series: the IKON 1 MK2. The IKON 1 MK2 is praised for its neat design, great sound performance both in correlation to the high frequencies and bass power and for its tremendous value for money. The result is an impressive performance giving the IKON 1 MK2 five stars.
KUBIK FREE – Absolute perfection
03. Кві 2014Pocket-lint, one of the largest UK technology sites, has fallen completely in love with our KUBIK FREE: ”DALI has managed to balance everything perfectly, and the result is the most exciting thing we’ve heard for a long time.”
KUBIK FREE - A true audio system
31. Бер 2014The French hi-fi magazine, Hifi Vidéo Home Cinéma, has had a close encounter with our active beauty, the KUBIK FREE, and the reviewers were amazed with the balanced and refined sound.
KUBIK FREE - Elegant and entertaining
28. Бер 2014It’s versatile, easy to place and sounds impressing. The Danish gadget magazine, Lyd & Billede, loves the KUBIK FREE and gives it 5 out of 6 stars.
KUBIK FREE – 5 звезд за музыкальность
25. Бер 2014Аудио эксперт Майкл Брук (Michael Brook) из британского журнала «BBC MUSIC» познакомился с самыми лучшими новинками на рынке аудио оборудования, и его симпатии оказались на стороне элегантных колонок DALI KUBIK FREE, которым он выдал высшую оценку «5 звезд» и награду “BBC MUSIC CHOICE” – «Выбор журнала BBC MUSIC».
KUBIK FREE - Sophisticated in looks and performance
17. Бер 2014The UK gadget magazine, STUFF, has carried out a group test of active speakers - Our KUBIK FREE shined and was provided with 5 fabulous stars.
ZENSOR 1 – 5 star review by WHAT HI-FI? (UK)
13. Бер 2014Two years ago, the prestigious UK hi-fi magazine 'WHAT HI-FI?' graced the DALI ZENSOR 1’s with an award. Since then, a lot of bookshelf speakers have appeared on the scene. Therefore 'WHAT HI-FI?' decided to re-visit the ZENSOR 1's to find out, if the bookshelf speakers still have it in them?
ZENSOR 7 – Excellent performance
12. Бер 2014The US hi-fi magazine, The Audiophile Voice, has had a close encounter with the flagship of the ZENSOR series, the ZENSOR 7, and the reviewer is dazzled.
KUBIK FREE - Danish and high class
26. Лют 2014The Danish gadget magazine, M!, has taken a closer look on three Danish active loudspeakers: Libratone Loop, Beolit 12 and our very own KUBIK FREE.
SUB E-9 F – Chic, powerful and simply perfect
24. Лют 2014The German hi-fi website, AREA DVD, has been dreaming of a subwoofer able to impress in both performance and design. Their dream is now a reality with the new DALI SUB E-9 F, and the fact that it does everything right, provides it with the label “AREA DVD REFERENZ”.
IKON 7 MK2 – Breathtaking level of detail
21. Лют 2014The Danish gadget website, Tweak.dk, has had their very first meeting with a pair of true hi-fi speakers: The IKON 7 MK2, and the reviewer was literally blown away, which has resulted in a score of 9/10 and an “Editors Choice” award to these classical speakers.
ZENSOR 3 – Performed with bravour
17. Лют 2014The French hi-fi website, On-Topaudio, has been conquered by the compact and yet powerful ZENSOR 3.
KUBIK FREE – A foot-tapping entertainer
10. Лют 2014The prestigious UK magazine, WHAT HI-FI?, has been enchanted by the KUBIK FREE and has provided it with a five star review.
KUBIK FREE – убедительное hi-fi качество
31. Січ 2014По мнению экспертов из австрийского hi-fi веб-сайта «Sempre Audio», KUBIK обладает тремя очевидными преимуществами: очень элегантный дизайн, выдающаяся гибкость в применении и чрезвычайно привлекательный звук.
FAZON MIKRO - щедро одарены искрящимся звучанием.
28. Січ 2014Популярный британский hi-fi веб-сайт, Trusted Reviews, был очарован звучанием миниатюрных и утонченных акустических систем FAZON MIKRO и по результатам тестирования выставил им высокую оценку - 8 баллов из 10.
FAZON MIKRO – Controlled and immersive performance
21. Січ 2014The UK hi-fi magazine, Home Cinema Choice, has had a close encounter with the new FAZON MIKRO and the brand-new SUB E9-F, both performed very well taking their size into consideration.
KUBIK FREE – For demanding music lovers
09. Січ 2014The German hi-fi website, AREA DVD, has started the New Year with a close encounter with the KUBIK FREE and its partner, the KUBIK XTRA. The meeting has given the KUBIK FREE setup a title as first class sounding and a noble Bluetooth speaker system for demanding music lovers.
ZENSOR 3 – Пять звезд за заразительный энтузиазм
12. Гру 2013Колонки ZENSOR 1 уже успели завоевать множество наград и с большим успехом были протестированы в престижном журнале WHAT Hi-FI, где их удостоили эпитетов типа «абсолютно выгодная сделка» - ”an absolute bargain”, но возникает вопрос, сможет ли ZENSOR 3 повторить успех своей младшей сестры?
EPICON 8 – просто поразительные
09. Гру 2013Те, кто еще не слышал звучание этих колонок, может подумать, что EPICON 8 это всего лишь раздутые EPICON 6, но после всестороннего тестирования EPICON 8 в немецком журнале «Hifi & Records», на остается никаких сомнений в том, что EPICON 8 – это просто выдающиеся акустические системы.
KUBIK FREE – блистательный звук
06. Гру 2013Немецкий журнал «VIDEO», собрал на тест несколько активных колонок и среди них KUBIK FREE, который выдал, по мнению экспертов, фантастическое качество звучания.
FAZON MIKRO – с ними вы никогда не соскучитесь
05. Гру 2013Тот, кто утверждает, что для великолепного впечатления от музыки непременно нужно иметь пару больших напольных акустических систем, наверняка никогда не слушал FAZON MIKRO. Как пишут эксперты из британского журнала Hi-fi Choice, «… они играют просто фантастически и оставляют вам гораздо больше свободного места для коллекции отборных вин или пластинок». По результатам теста FAZON MIKRO заслужили от редакции награду "Hi-fi Choice Recommended".
KUBIK FREE – колонка с реальной ценой
02. Гру 2013На швейцарском веб-сайте для любителей hi-fi техники – Avguide (02-12-2013), появился подробный обзорный тест восьми Bluetooth колонок в широком ценовом диапазоне (от 200 до 1300 швейцарских франков), и в их числе первая активная акустическая система в репертуаре DALI - KUBIK FREE.
EPICON 6 – Доступная суперколонка
28. Лис 2013В немецком hi-fi журнале Audiophile (January-2014) появилась статья под заголовком «EPICON 6 – affordable superspeaker» («EPICON 6 – Доступная суперколонка»). EPICON 6 визуально выглядит более утонченно , чем EPICON 8 и находится в тени своей увенчанной наградами старшей сестры.
KUBIK FREE – невидимый источник качественного звука
26. Лис 2013Немецкий hi-fi веб-сайт, i-fidelity, познакомился поближе с восходящей звездой DALI – активной колонкой KUBIK FREE, и его обозреватель выдал ей множество комплиментов, отметив среди прочих способность KUBIK звучать, не привлекая особого внимания.
MENTOR MENUET – маленькая колонка с большим звуком
12. Лис 2013“Возможно, Menuet – миниатюрная колоночка, но она обладает таким звучанием, которое ставит ее в один ряд с гораздо более крупными акустическими системами.” Это всего лишь одно из многочисленных достоинств, которые автор из Hi-Fi Choice, хорошо известного британского hi-fi журнала, перечисляет после встречи с парой MENTOR MENUET.
KUBIK FREE – превосходный партнер для музыки
12. Лис 2013В немецком hi-fi журнале Stereoplay побывала на тестировании первая активная колонка DALI - KUBIK FREE, и за свое качество звучания, а также доступную цену она получила звание «Выдающаяся» - “outstanding”.
SUB P-10 DSS - A beauty and a brisk and powerful beast
05. Лис 2013The German hi-fi magazine, AUDIO, has had a intense meeting with our SUB P-10 DSS, and the SUB P-10 DSS is both a real beauty and a powerful beast.
ZENSOR 3 – произведение мастера
01. Лис 2013Произведение настоящего мастера не обязательно должно быть дорогим, но в нем обязательно должен быть выдержан баланс цены, качества исполнения и качества звука. Именно это присутствует в колонках ZENSOR 3, согласно заключению немецкого hi-fi веб-сайта AREA DVD.
KUBIK FREE – The Danish Champion
30. Жов 2013The KUBIK FREE is labeled as top-design with a great sound quality from the German hi-fi website, i-fidelity.net, and they have no doubt: Denmark has a new small champion.
KUBIK FREE - Offers better sound than its competitors
28. Жов 2013The French online magazine ON-mag has had a closer look at the DALI KUBIK FREE and sees the possibilities in both a L+R setup and stereo (+SUB).
Комплект АС ZENSOR 1 5.1 получил награду журнала WHAT HI-FI?
17. Жов 2013Комплект колонок DALI ZENSOR 1 5.1 завоевал награду журнала “WHAT HI-FI? Sound and Vision» – AWARDS 2013», заняв первое место в категории «Лучший традиционный комплект колонок от 700 до 1500 ф.ст.» – “Best traditional package £ 700-£ 1500”.
FAZON MIKRO 5.1 – элегантный внешний вид
08. Жов 2013Самая первая встреча редакции немецкого онлайн hi-fi издания «AREA DVD» с новой моделью FAZON MIKRO из семейства FAZON прошла с большим успехом, и MIKRO вместе с сабвуфером FAZON SUB1 произвела на всех очень хорошее впечатление.
ZENSOR 3 – когда малое оказывается реально большим
07. Жов 2013Немецкий hi-fi веб-сайт Sempre-audio.de имел возможность близко и подробно познакомиться с новым членом семейства колонок ZENSOR: с полочной ZENSOR 3, и по результатам обзора пришел к выводу – ее размер может быть и мал, но звук - действительно большой.
KUBIK FREE – подлинная радость
01. Жов 2013“[…] Вы можете принять эту колонку за хорошую пассивную полочную АС, установленную на стойку.” Это всего лишь один из комплиментов, выданных британским hi-fi журналом «Hi-fi Choice», который протестировал новый KUBIK FREE. По результатам теста редакция наградила его званием “Hi-fi Choice Recommended”.
EPICON 2 & 6 - потрясающий вид и великолепный звук
18. Вер 2013В британском hi-fi журнале «Hi-fi Choice» (October 2013) появилась обзорная статья про аудиосистемы, собранные и представленные на тест дилерами. В ней среди рекомендованных систем фантастическое качество
ZENSOR 3 – Yet another sensation
12. Вер 2013The German hifi magazine, STEREO, has carried out a test of compact loudspeakers, and the powerful ZENSOR 3 delivered an outstanding performance.
EPICON 8 - Epic multichannel set
04. Вер 2013The German hifi website, i-fidelity.net, searched for a true Hollywood setup that are as suitable for music and movies in stereo and surround setup. They found the EPICON series and the result gave the “REFERENZ” title.
KUBIK FREE - Already something special
27. Сер 2013The DALI KUBIK FREE is the first active speaker from DALI, and it already has a special place in the minds of the German hifi magazine, STEREO.
ZENSOR 3 - победитель теста в немецком «AUDIO»
22. Сер 2013В немецком hi-fi журнале «AUDIO» опубликован тест компактных колонок в ценовой категории EURO 350-500, и новая акустическая система DALI ZENSOR 3 завоевала в нем общее 1-е место.
DALI KUBIK FREE - лауреат награды EISA!
15. Сер 2013DALI KUBIK FREE завоевал награду EISA и звание "Best Product 2013/2014" в категории "Wireless Speaker System".
EPICON 6 - Prepared to change its owner
09. Сер 2013In the search for a loudspeaker that can change its owner's musical life, the German hifi website i-fidelity.net became aqquainted with our EPICON 6 and also gave it a titel as a "reference" speaker.
SUB P-10 DSS – универсальный талант
08. Лип 2013В немецком hi-fi журнале «STEREO» опубликован тест пяти сабвуферов, в котором сабвуфер датской компании DALI SUB P-10 DSS завоевал звание победителя - "test winner" и высший балл – 5 звездочек.
EPICON 8 – звук искушения
02. Лип 2013Редакция самого популярного британского hi-fi журнала "WHAT HIFI?" организовала близкое знакомство с нашими флагманскими колонками EPICON 8.
ZENSOR 7 - Great sound quality in this 5.1 system at it's price
21. Чер 2013The German hi-fi magazine "Area DVD" has brought together a great entry 5.1 system of our ZENSOR series and what a meeting.
EPICON 6 – многоканальный комплект с эпическим звуком
10. Чер 2013Британский hi-fi журнал Home Cinema Choice долго искал идеальный многоканальный комплект колонок. Эти поиски закончились в тот момент, когда редакция послушала домашний театр на базе акустических систем серии EPICON компании DALI.
EPICON 8 – небесные ощущения от музыки
27. Тра 2013Скандинавский hi-fi журнал «Lyd & Billede» познакомился поближе с нашими увенчанными наградами акустическими системами EPICON 8 и пришел к общему заключению: "Big brother" still has the absolute power! – «Большой брат по-прежнему сильнее всех!»
FAZON F5 - Surprising in every aspect
16. Тра 2013The Czech hifi magazine "Hi-fi Voice" has made a thorough review of our beautiful FAZON F5.
EPICON 6 - Sonically sparkling
13. Тра 2013The French hifi magazine "Haute Fidélité" has had a close encounter with the DALI EPICON 6, and the reviewer emphasizes the quality and design.
EPICON 6 - A true and excellent classic
13. Тра 2013The Swiss hifi magazine "Home electronics" have taken a close look at our EPICON 6, and the reviewers are more than impressed.
EPICON 2 – просто исключительные
24. Кві 2013В французском hi-fi журнале "Stereo, Prestige & Image" появился обзор АС EPICON 2, авторы которого были поражены их достоинствами.
FAZON F5 - Perfect balance between aesthetics and performance
17. Кві 2013The Indian magazine "AV MAX" has carried out a review of the FAZON F5, and the reviewers praise the originality in the design.
ZENSOR 1 - When music matters
15. Кві 2013The Nordic magazine "Lyd & Billede" has made a great match between our ZENSOR 1 and the Denon Ceol Piccolo.
EPICON 6 - Once heard, never forgotten
12. Кві 2013The American hifi magazine "The Absolute Sound" has had their hands on a pair of EPICON 6, and the reviewer is enthusiastic: "[...], this is a speaker everyone ought to hear."
EPICON 6 – датское великолепие
09. Кві 2013На испанском hi-fi сайте Hifilive.es появилась статья, написанная по результатам близкого знакомства редакции с колонками EPICON 6. По общему мнению редакторов, они более чем превзошли их ожидания.
EPICON 8 – Экстраординарная грациозность и бесподобный звук
26. Бер 2013На польском hi-fi сайте, Audio.pl, появилась статья о компании DALI и о ее флагманских акустических системах, EPICON 8.
EPICON 8 – Флагман, о котором стоит мечтать
25. Бер 2013Редакторы немецкого hi-fi журнала AUDIO получили шанс близко познакомиться с новыми EPICON 8, и они оставили у них чувство глубокого удовлетворения.
EPICON 8 - поразительный монумент во славу high-end звука!
12. Бер 2013Скандинавский hi-fi журнал "Fidelity" опубликовал обширный обзор флагманских колонок EPICON 8, и его автор оценил качество их звучания очень высоко.
EPICON 2 - When family matters
07. Бер 2013The German hi-fi magazine STEREO has reviewed the EPICON 2, and they are quite satisfied with the result.
IKON 6 MK2 - полное красок звучание в каждый момент
05. Бер 2013В чешском hi-fi журнале «Hi-fi Voice» опубликован великолепный обзор акустических систем IKON 6 MK2, в котором утверждается, что эти «... милашки играют так, как будто иначе или лучше сыграть невозможно». По результатам тестирования они заслужили высший балл – «10 звездочек» и оценку «Рекомендуем – проверено на собственных ушах»!
EPICON 5.1-канальный комплект АС – завораживающий звук
26. Лют 2013Немецкий онлайн журнал «Video-Magazin», протестировал этот комплект колонок для домашнего театра подлинно high end уровня, и в опубликованной статье описал только ее звук и почти ничего кроме звука.
FAZON F5 - прекрасные формы для звука
25. Лют 2013Редактор Johnny Lee из корейского онлайн издания HIFICLUB Korea, познакомился с колонками FAZON F5 поближе и решил поведать местным аудиофилам о своих впечатлениях.
EPICON 2 – красота соперничает с музыкальностью
22. Лют 2013В испанском журнале "Revista On Off" под заголовком «Красота, не уступающая музыкальности» (La belleza rivaliza con la musicalida) появился обзор акустических систем EPICON 2.
EPICON 6 – акустическое совершенство?
21. Лют 2013В немецком Hi-fi журнале AREA DVD, появился великолепный обзор новых колонок EPICON 6, в котором эксперты с большим энтузиазмом восприняли их звучание и превозносят их достоинства до небес.
ZENSOR 1 – динамичная звуковая сцена
11. Лют 2013Датский сайт, помогающий потребителям в выборе цен на продукты – PriceRunner, близко познакомился в колонками ZENSOR 1, и присвоил им категорию «наилучшее соотношение «цена-качество» - "best value for money" среди акустических систем.
LEKTOR 1 - Detail, control and timing
11. Лют 2013The UK magazine WHAT HI-FI? have once again reviewed LEKTOR 1, they remain a charmin pair of speakers.
EPICON 2 – наши уши влюбились
11. Лют 2013«Pocket-lint», независимый британский сайт новостей и обзоров по гаджетам, протестировал АС EPICON 2, и все время их прослушивания было заполнено для экспертов радостью и музыкой.
FAZON surround setup - a setup that highlites your life
06. Лют 2013The Dutch online magazine "Audiovideo2day" have made a thorough review of a complete FAZON setup.
ZENSOR 1 - Great sound and rich details
29. Січ 2013The Dutch consumer site "Beste Product" has reviewed the ZENSOR 1.
DALI EPICON 8 – эквивалент живой музыки
28. Січ 2013Немецкий онлайн hi-fi журнал AUDIO (28-01-2013) протестировал акустические системы EPICON 8 и сравнил их звучание с живым концертом. EPICON 8 играли настолько свободно и без какого-либо напряжения, что автору показалось, что он слушает живых музыкантов, а не пару колонок.
Акустические системы DALI ZENSOR 7 – лучшие по мнению журнала AV MAX
14. Січ 2013Индийский аудио-видео журнал "AV MAX" подвел итоги года и выбрал лучшие продукты. По мнению редакции журнала, одним из лауреатов 2012 года стали акустические системы ZENSOR 7.
DALI Fazon F5 – лучшие напольные акустические системы по мнению журнала AV MAX
14. Січ 2013The Indian audio and video magazine "AV MAX" has awarded the best of products of 2012, and our FAZON F5 was one of them.
DALI EPICON 2 - убедительное датское качество звука
14. Січ 2013В ежедневной немецкой газете "Frankfurter Allegemeine" (8 января 2013) появилась короткая, но очень положительная статья про новые акустические системы EPICON 2.
DALI EPICON 6 – Лучшая акустическая система класса high-end 2012 года
07. Січ 2013Скандинавский hi-fi журнал «Lyd & Billede» подвел итоги года и выбрал самые лучшие продукты 2012, огласив результаты на ежегодном «award show». Среди награжденных – колонки EPICON 6 из недавно выпущенной серии DALI.
DALI EPICON 8 – настоящий датский деликатес
04. Січ 2013В журнале "AUDIOphile" (01-2013) – специальном издании двух авторитетных немецких журналов - «Audio» и «Stereoplay» опубликован подробный и очень точный обзор акустических систем EPICON 8, заслуживших почетную награду европейской ассоциации EISA в этом году.
ZENSOR 1 - The small ones sometimes surprise
13. Гру 2012The Dutch magazine "Alpha Audio" has had a close encounter with the small ZENSOR 1 and is truly suprised with the great sound!
EPICON 2 - 5 «звезд» в журнале «WHAT HI-FI?»
13. Гру 2012The recognized English magazine "WHAT HI-FI?" have reviewed the litle brother of the EPICON series: the EPICON 2.Самый популярный британский журнал "WHAT HI-FI?" протестировал младшую модель новой серии акустических систем EPICON: EPICON 2 и поставил ей высший балл – 5 звезд!
EPICON 2 - Heavenly sound quality
05. Гру 2012The online English magazine "Trusted Reviews" has gotten their hands on the EPICON 2, and they are very enthusiastic.
EPICON 2 - Small and exquisite
16. Лис 2012The norwegian magazine "Lyd & Bilde" has carried out a thorough test of the little brother of the EPICON series - the EPICON 2.
EPICON 6 - Receives 6/6 stars
09. Лис 2012The Nordic hi-fi magazine Lyd & Billede has had a close encounter with the EPICON 6 earlier this year - the result was a full range of stars.
ZENSOR 5 system receives a WHAT HI-FI? Award
19. Жов 2012The DALI ZENSOR 5. 5.1 system receives a WHAT HIFI? award for “Best traditional package £700 - £1500” in the category “Speaker Packages”.
EPICON 2 - On the road to succes...
16. Жов 2012DALI's new EPICON 2 achieves superior test results from the German Internet high-end magazine i-fidelity.net.
MENTOR MENUET - Powerful sound from small boxes!
01. Жов 2012The German magazine "Audio" has made a great review of the MENTOR MENUET.
MENTOR MENUET - Good things do come in small packages
19. Вер 2012The online magazine Trusted Reviews has carried out a thorough review of the new, small and classy Mentor Menuet, which attacks both movies and music with a surprising amount of passion and power.
EPICON 8 - Receives an EISA Award
15. Сер 2012Today our very own EPICON 8 just received an EISA Award being the Best Product in the category "European High-End Audio 2012-2013".
ZENSOR 1 - Natural and convincing string bass
11. Лип 2012A thorough review of the ZENSOR 1 by US Hi-Fi magazine, Stereophile, which compares it - sound quality wise - to speakers three times its actual price.
EPICON 6 - the new benchmark in the EUR 10.000 price range
04. Чер 2012The EISA jury member Matthias Böde has done one of the first official reviews of the EPICON 6 for the German Hi-Fi magazine STEREO.
FAZON F5 - You sexy thing!
19. Тра 2012The Features Editor, Rob Temple, of the British Classic Rock magazine has had a close encounter with the "sleek and sexy" FAZON F5.
FAZON F5 - Fabulous Set of Speakers
30. Бер 2012The FAZON F5 recieves the score 9 out of 10 in a review by the online magazine Trusted Reviews.
IKON 6 - A review from LogicalDesign
12. Бер 2012Our Brazilian distributor LogicalDesign have reviewed the IKON 6 MK2. In the review they describe which features, they find the most attractive.
LEKTOR 2 - Gold Reference award
05. Бер 2012The DALI LEKTOR 2 recieves a Gold Reference award in the Brazilian HiFi magazine Audio Video Magazine.
MENTOR MENUET – Compact speaker with natural precision
23. Лют 2012The hi-fi magazine STEREO has put the MENTOR MENUET to the test with classical recordings featuring countertenor Philippe Jaroussky.
IKON MK2 5.1 – 360 degrees of elegance
21. Лют 2012i-fidelity.net have tested the DALI IKON MK2 Surround System: IKON 5, 6, VOKAL, and the IKON SUB MK2. The verdict: Marked as a “Highlight” product.
ZENSOR 1 – Stereo System of the year 2011
17. Січ 2012DALI ZENSOR 1: The Best Stereo System of The Year 2011 (in a combination with Sonos) according to the Norwegian magazine Lyd & Bilde.
ZENSOR 5 – Danish Perfection
12. Січ 2012The Swedish reviewer from digitallife.se has fallen in love with the DALI ZENSOR 5. “It was love at first sight”, he says in his review.
FAZON F5 - Hot Sound Sculpture *****
12. Січ 2012The design and sound of the FAZON F5 impresses the Norwegian Hifi magazine Lyd & Bilde, who reward the die-cast aluminum speaker with a total of 5 stars.
ZENSOR 7 – Best entry-level speaker
06. Січ 2012The South Korean hifi magazine AUDIO has reviewed the DALI ZENSOR 7 and rates it as one of the best entry-level speakers on the market.
IKON MK2 5.1 – Meek and sovereign
22. Гру 2011Netzwelt.de reviews the DALI IKON MK2 5.1 Surround System as a movie surround setup as well as a multi-channel music setup.
ZENSOR 7 – Worth every penny
19. Гру 2011I-fidelity.net's second in-depth review of the popular DALI ZENSOR series. This time the spotlight is focused on the ZENSOR 7.
FAZON F5 - Crystal Clear Sound
02. Гру 2011The German magazine Stereoplay reviews the FAZON F5: "...the masculine voice and bass of the F5 are very powerful and realistic."
FAZON F5 - Form & Function
29. Лис 2011The Swiss Home Electronics Magazine brings a 4 pages review of the FAZON F5 in their latest edition.
FAZON F5 - Flying 5 Stars
18. Лис 2011The curvy DALI FAZON F5 receives a top score in the latest edition of the prestigious British hi-fi magazine WHAT HI-FI?
DALI receives two awards at the WHAT HI-FI? AWARDS 2011
24. Жов 2011The new DALI ZENSOR 5 5.1 and the DALI FAZON SAT 5.1 systems each received an (well-deserved) award at the WHAT HI-FI? AWARDS 2011.
Curvalicious FAZON F5 reviewed in TONEAudio
11. Жов 2011Curvalicious, "timeless styling" and "gold-ribbon performance" are a few of the highlighted characteristics of the DALI FAZON F5 featured in the newest edition of the American audio magazine TONEAudio.
FAZON F5 - A modern classic
06. Жов 2011DALI FAZON F5 receives the rare award "Top Design" in a review by the online German magazine i-fidelity.net
Articulate speakers with a punch
04. Жов 2011The DALI FAZON SAT 5.1 system supported by the brand-new DALI SUB E-12F gets 5 stars in WHAT HI-FI?
ZENSOR - "DALI for everyone"
14. Вер 2011The new ZENSOR series is very well-received. ZENSOR 7 & ZENSOR 1 receives 2x5 stars in STEREO.
DALI FAZON F5 wins EISA Award!
15. Сер 2011The FAZON F5 is now officially winner of the international EISA Award, "European Audio Design 2011-2012".
FAZON F5 - Chillingly realistic
12. Сер 2011AudioVideo2Day, Netherlands, has nothing but good to say about the DALI speaker with "killer looks and killer sound".
ZENSOR 5: Gustav Mahler revisited
08. Сер 2011In the new edition of German magazine Fono Forum, the ZENSOR model is tested against the backdrop of classical masters.
IKON 6 - A review from Audio Video Magazine
06. Сер 2011The Brazilian hifi magazine AUDIO VIDEO MAGAZINE have reviewed the IKON 6 MK2. In the review they describe which features, they find the most attractive.
DALI FAZON F5 reviewed in Hi-fi News, UK
03. Сер 2011A very thorough, three-page review of the new DALI speakers praises their innovative style, brilliant qualities, and high-end potential.
MENTOR 8: Major league in all aspects
02. Сер 2011The Dutch online magazine hifi.nl, by far the biggest review player on this market, tells a great story of the DALI speaker.
ZENSOR 1 group test winner in WHF
07. Лип 2011Even more impressive when confronted by some putative rivals, WHAT HI-FI? states in their new edition.
ZENSOR 1 - The Little Prince
24. Чер 2011- not refering to the legendary childen's book, but to the headline of yet another great review of the DALI ZENSOR 1.
FAZON F5 - "Excellent" in STEREO
06. Чер 2011The brand new 2011 DALI speaker FAZON F5 receives a great review in the German magazine's July 2011 edition.
ZENSOR 1 - five stars in WHAT HI-FI?
01. Чер 2011The new DALI speaker receives a downright excellent review in the June 2011 edition of the British magazine.
Plus X for DALI FAZON F5
20. Тра 2011The brand new DALI FAZON F5 speaker has just received the German Plus X Award.
Welcoming DALI ZENSOR 1
18. Тра 2011The brand new ZENSOR 1 is released and already received a notable review.
DALI LEKTOR 2 Best in Test
04. Тра 2011LEKTOR 2 is being compared to three loudspeakers and is the overall test winner in Norwegian Lyd & Bilde.
DALI HELICON 800 MK2 reviewed in AVTainment
04. Тра 2011The HELICON 800 MK2's are highly praised in this brand new Danish review of the DALI loudspeakers.
23. Бер 2011The Scandinavian magazine Fidelity looks into hi-fi development during the last "difficult" 20 years, as they put in their new edition. The article is a test comparison based on two DALI speakers.
Are we moving forward? Review of MENTOR MENUET
23. Бер 2011The Scandinavian magazine Fidelity looks into hi-fi development during the last "difficult" 20 years, as they put in their new edition. The article is a test comparison based on two DALI speakers.
PHANTOM LEKTOR wins the Plus X Award
14. Бер 2011DALI's in-wall loudspeaker PHANTOM LEKTOR has just won its first international price.
DALI FAZON SAT 2.1-2 reviewed in i-fidelity.net
07. Лют 2011Very Good, is the test result of the DALI FAZON SAT 2.1-2 system in the online German magazine i-fidelity.net.
IKON MK2 5.1 test winner in Bild & Ljud
26. Січ 2011DALI is on the trail of the Nirvana of sound, according to the Swedish magazine. IKON MK2 5.1 is test winner in its price class and named "Best surround speakers of the year".
IKON 2 MK2 featured in Japanese STEREO magazine
07. Січ 2011STEREO explains the differences between the MK1 and MK2 series and comments positively on IKON 2 MK2's dynamic sound characteristics.
LEKTOR 2 succesful in Polish Audio-Video magazine
06. Січ 2011The magazine concludes that LEKTOR 2 possesses a surprisingly matured sound and excellent musicality.
IKON 6 MK2 5.1 system - Brilliant review
09. Гру 2010The Norwegian magazine tested a line of recent, similar priced loudspeakers and found it very hard to let go of the DALI IKON 6 MK2.
Never miss the details - never forget the thrill. WHF, Dec. 2010
03. Гру 2010- Read the full 5 star review from the latest WHAT HI-FI? issue.
Blockbuster cinema sound - 5 stars in WHAT HI-FI?, Nov. 2010
10. Лис 2010WHAT HI-FI? awards 5 stars to the new IKON 6 MK2 5.1 system in their upcoming issue!
A proper EISA-winner. IKON 6 MK2 reviewed in Fidelity
03. Лис 2010The Scandinavian High-End magazine Fidelity is impressed by IKON 6 MK2 in their thorough November-December 2010 review.
LEKTOR 2 reviewed in TONEAudio
25. Жов 2010- Tons of fun and a breath of fresh air. This is how the American music, gear, and style magazine TONEAudio characterizes the DALI speakers in their October 2010 issue.
IKON 6 MK2 gets five stars and Gold in T3 magazine
23. Жов 2010EISA-award winning stereo equipment is being tested in the latest edition of Danish T3. And the magazine draws a very positive conclusion as regards the stereo and the DALI IKON 6 MK2 speakers.
IKON MK2 featured in Japan
23. Сер 2010The IKON MK2-series is well-received in the Japanese audio magazine Senka. 5 stars out of 5 possible is what the new DALI-series gets from three varied key dealers.
Goldilocks would be pleased!
23. Сер 2010- to quote the American magazine The Absolute Sound featuring HELICON 400 MK2 in their latest edition.
DALI wins the prestigious EISA-award!
16. Сер 2010We’re very proud to announce that DALI’s new IKON 6 MK2 wins the international EISA award and is now officially European Loudspeaker 2010-2011.
IKON 5 MK2 gets a Top-Test in i-fidelity.net, Germany
05. Сер 2010The magazine praises IKON 5 MK2 as a "small beauty" and states that "the graceful Dane" possesses qualities out of the ordinary.
DALI FAZON SUB 1 recommended
04. Сер 2010The Austrian web-magazine Sempre Audio is impressed by FAZON SUB 1's power ability as well as its precise timing. The editors give the subwoofer their full recommendation.
FAZON SAT recommended in Austria
03. Сер 2010The Austrian web-magazine Sempre Audio thoroughly tested DALI FAZON SAT with a very positive outcome.
Top review to DALI MOTIF
30. Лип 2010Norwegian Lyd&Bilde gives a surround system combination, including DALI MOTIF, a very positive test result in their June 2010 review.
DALI IKON 5 MK2 receives a fabulous review
21. Лип 2010Hifi.nl published a fantastic review of the new IKON 5 MK2 speaker - among other things saluting its impressive ability to deliver music with power.
FAZON SAT 5.1-1: All the style you need - and 5 stars WHAT HI-FI?
17. Лип 2010The DALI FAZON SAT 5.1-1 package is unique, offering a level of refinement and an ease of listening not found elsewhere, the intro to this great WHAT HI-FI? review states.
MENTOR MENUET praised in SonicFlare, USA
15. Лип 2010American online magazine SonicFlare recommends DALI's MENUETs and their ability to fulfil the needs of music listeners looking for a big, compelling sound from a very elegant and low profile box.
HELICON 800 MK2 awarded in Haute Fidelite
09. Лип 2010The French magazine values the speakers to be excellent news & developed and assembled with great talent in their July/August 2010 issue.
IKON MK2 series - Best Product
05. Лип 2010The new IKON MK2 series was tested by the international jury behind the prestigious Plus-X award and is evaluated to be best in class in no less than 3 categories.
FAZON SAT 2.1-1 wins Plus X awards
04. Лип 2010Two of the new, prominent products from DALI, the FAZON SAT and FAZON SUB 1, were both very well received by the international jury behind the acclaimed Plus-X award.
IKON 6 MK2 - receives 5 stars in STEREO magazine
01. Лип 2010IKON 6 MK2 receives 5 out of 5 stars and the classification Outstanding in the July issue of German STEREO magazine.
LEKTOR 2 - Clear sound picture
10. Чер 2010The reviewers on the Portuguese magazine, Audio Cinema em casa, speak favourably about LEKTOR 2 in their test.
FAZON SAT 5.1-1 - 5 stars in WHAT HIFI
01. Чер 2010The FAZON SAT 5.1-1 system receives a brilliant review and 5 stars in the latest issue of WHAT HIFI.
DALI MENTOR MENUET in Lyd & Bilde, Norway
16. Тра 2010An incredibly smart and diverse loudspeaker, Norwegian Lyd & Bilde baptize the MENTOR MENUETs.
LEKTOR 6 performs admirably in Australia
17. Кві 2010The Australian AV Hub magazine Summer 2010 edition is available with a super DALI LEKTOR 6 review.
LEKTOR 8 reviewed in WHAT HI-FI?
05. Кві 2010DALI's LEKTOR 8 resonate "sofa-shaking sound" according to WHAT HI-FI? that also mentions the speakers' bass, scale, and breadth in their April 2010 issue.
FAZON SAT 5.1 on the Gear of the Year-list
01. Бер 2010The internet magazine Jazztimes.com celebrate what they believe to be the most exciting products from the industry in 2009, and FAZON SAT 5.1 is among the chosen.
EUPHONIA MS4 reviewed in Stereo Prestige & Image
01. Бер 2010The DALI EUPHONIA MS4 speakers get a nice review in the latest edition of the French magazine.
FAZON SAT 5.1 reviewed in Sound & Vision
08. Лют 2010Convincing, elegant, and techy are a few of the terms applied on FAZON SAT 5.1 in the January 2010 test from the American magazine.
IKON 7 tested and reviewed in Portugal
01. Лют 2010For the second time in a row, DALI's IKON 7 was awarded Best Product by the Portuguese Audio Magasin, Audio Cinema em casa, in their Jan./Feb. 2010 issue.
FAZON SAT 5.1 reviewed in Heimkino, Germany.
20. Січ 2010In the latest issue of German Heimkino (feb./mar. 2010), DALI's FAZON SAT 5.1 gets a good review and is labeled "Oberklasse".
DALI & NAD rewarded Best HiFi system in What Hifi?
06. Січ 2010What Hifi? January issue is featuring a "below GBP 1600 system test". The NAD DALI System was awarde the best system and got 5 stars out of 5
DALI FAZON SAT 2.1 Best in Test
06. Січ 2010Norwegian "Lyd & Bilde" December issue is featuring a group test focusing on "invisible euphony" The test winner is: DALI FAZON SAT 2.1
MENTOR MENUET awarded "Preistipp" in i-fidelity, Germany
05. Січ 2010The editors give MENTOR MENUET the seal "Best Buy" and the test result "Very Good".
MENTOR MENUET: "Astonishing!"
04. Січ 2010The French HiFi Vidéo magazine has a great review on DALIs MENTOR MENUET in their latest edition.
LEKTOR 3 in the Berliner Kurier - "Top sound from small boxes"
04. Січ 2010We are currently experiencing a renaissance among hi-fi stereo fans, the newspaper states.
MENTOR MENUET in Revue du Son, France
02. Січ 2010The magazine states that DALI seems to have found a winning solution with the MENTOR MENUET.
The NEW DALI MENTOR MENUET takes 5 out of 5
30. Лис 2009DALI's bijou stars shine brightly States the review in the December issue of What HiFi?
Astonishing result! - HELICON 300 MK2
30. Лис 2009The French hifi magazine Revue du Son treats the DALI speaker very well in the latest edition's review.
DALI FAZON LCR 5.1 - Flat Panel-Friendly Speaker System.
19. Лис 2009A DALI FAZON LCR 5.1 including BASIS 100 SUB review is issued in American Perfect Vision’s online magazine "Playback Magazine".
MENTOR MENUET reviewed in Taiwan
15. Лис 2009The Taiwanese magazine AudioArt brings a thorough and analytical review of the DALI's MENTOR MENUET with a great test result.
Form meets sound
15. Лис 2009The FAZON SAT 5-1 system gets a very positive review in the German STEREOPLAY magazine.
HELICON 400 MK2 - The winner is back
08. Жов 2009- according to the French magazine Haute Fidélité that brings a nice review of DALI's HELICON 400 MK2.
FAZON LCR - “Precision and detail”.
29. Вер 2009William Kelly editor of The South African magazine, AUDIO VIDEO has done a splendid review of the DALI FAZON LCR’s. His overall conclusion is : “Stunning looking speakers that deliver sonically as well"
DALI FAZON SAT 5.1 System takes 5 out of 5!
28. Вер 2009Svelte DALI FAZON's are set to stun What Hifi? has tested a DALI FAZON SAT system using MOTIF FAZON SUB 2
Danes don't lie!
22. Вер 2009- states the German web-magazine I-fidelity.net. A lot of nice words to DALI MENTOR 2 overall.
MENTOR MENUET - a powerful weapon
18. Вер 2009During Hi-Fi Klubbens Scandinavian press conference, DALI presented the MENTOR MENUET's that are being characterized as the greatest surprise of the conference by the leading Danish newspaper and website magazine www.fpn.dk.
DALI meets Magritte
12. Вер 2009- states the German AUDIO magazine and adds that LEKTOR 6's bass has an unshakably good tone base for any kind of music.
Enjoyable and convincing music reproduction!
01. Вер 2009The German entertainment & electronics web magazine, AV Magazin, speaks well of DALIs LEKTOR 2 and gives the speakers their "Best Buy"-approval.
LEKTOR 8 retested - same great result
16. Сер 2009Norwegian Lyd & Bilde tested LEKTOR 8 in February. Now they're back with another postive review.
Construction and finish - high level.
11. Сер 2009LEKTOR 2 gets a nice test result in the Spanish Revista On Off magazine. Here's a few comments from the review.
MENTOR 5 in the Fono Forum magazine
01. Сер 2009
A star performer on BBC Music
20. Лип 2009One of UK's leading magazines, BBC Music, focus on audio products to help the listener get the most out of recorded classical music. DALI's LEKTOR 2 is chosen and gets 5 stars.
Lyd & Bilde impressed by MOTIF
04. Лип 2009Norwegian magazine Lyd & Bilde published a test of DALI's MOTIF and characterize them as decorative as well as very well sounding.
MENTOR 5 in Lyd & Bilde
02. Лип 2009Great review in the Norwegian magazine speaks in very postive terms of DALI's MENTOR 5 and commends the speakers' focus, solidness, and bass qualities.
Superb tonal balance
26. Чер 2009DALI IKON 5 is getting a great review in the French magazine "HiFi Video" and the editor concludes: The IKON 5 is definitively the kind of speaker to consider before any purchase!
MENTOR 2, Highlighted in France
04. Чер 2009The French magazine REVUE DU SON is giving MENTOR 2 a "Selection" in their February issue.
HELICON 400 MK2, among the very best, Germany.
04. Чер 2009DALI HELICON 400 MK2 is proudly getting one of the highest possible ratings in an exclusive review in the German high-end Magazine STEREO May issue. Only 4 speakers out of 168 speakers tested has ever got 5 stars in this category by STEREO.
DALI MENTOR Surround, Best of 2008, Germany
04. Чер 2009The DALI MENTOR5.1 system (MENTOR 8, MENTOR 6, MENTOR VOKAL & MENTOR SUB) proudly receives a "Best of 2008" award in HEIMKINO magazine April issue. The award is given for the best system in the "Referenz-klasse" meaning "Reference Class" with the top not
DALI CONCEPT 6 got a Fantastic Review in Brazil
04. Чер 2009CONCEPT 6 received 67 points out of 72 possible and was group test winner in the April issue of the Brazilian High-End magazine "Áudio e Video".
LEKTOR 2 gets the Plus X-award!
20. Тра 2009On May 19 2009 the prestigious Plus X-awards for innovative products were handed out, and we're very proud to announce that DALI's LEKTOR got the award for High Quality.
HELICON 400 MK2 reviewed
14. Тра 2009DALI HELICON 400 MK2 is proudly getting one of the highest possible ratings in an exclusive review in the German high-end Magazin STEREO May issue.
DALI LEKTOR 2 reviewed in techradar.com, UK
05. Кві 2009DALI's newcomer is a mixture of cool, competitive, and traditional according to the British web magazine that speaks well of this compact speakers' ordered and even bass and midband.
LEKTOR 1 tested in Lyd & Bilde
04. Кві 2009LEKTOR 1 is tested in the Norwegian magazine Lyd & Bilde and named DALI's new "bang for the buck"-series.
LEKTOR 8 awarded "Kauftipp"
29. Бер 2009LEKTOR 8 is proudly getting a "Kauftipp" = recomended award from the Swiss Home Electronic magazine February issue.
EUPHONIA RS3 gets 10 out of 10
17. Бер 2009DALI is proud to have received 10 LP out of 10 possible in a great review on the American 10 Audio website.
LEKTOR 8 reviewed in US
14. Бер 2009Audioholics, the largest online audiophile publication in the US, just released the following review on DALI's recently launched LEKTOR 8.
LEKTOR 8 reviewed
14. Бер 2009LEKTOR 8 is proudly getting a "Kauftipp" = recomended award from the Swiss Home Electronic magazine February issue.
DALI MENTOR 5, taking 5 out of 5
14. Бер 2009The Russian DVD-Expert Magazine gave 5 stars out of 5 possible to DALI MENTOR 5 in issue 10/ 2008.
LEKTOR 2 awarded 5-stars in What HIFI
19. Лют 2009We are more than proud to inform you that DALI LEKTOR 2 got a 5-star review in the WHAT HIFI March issue.
LEKTOR 2 awarded in Germany
15. Лют 2009The first test in Germany of the brand new LEKTOR 2 got the award of Best-buy (Preistipp).
LEKTOR 1 awarded in Holland
09. Лют 2009In the January issue of the Dutch Audio magazine HVT , the DALI LEKTOR 1 is honored with acknowledgement and the conclusion is clear - LEKTOR 1 gets the " Recommended" seal of approval.
LEKTOR 8 awarded Best of HiFi Test 2008 in Germany
06. Лют 2009The January issue of Hifi Test features the best products (highlights) of 2008. We are proud that LEKTOR 8 was awarded “BEST OF HiFi Test 2008”.
LEKTOR 6: Understated surprice, UK
06. Лют 2009HI-FI World feb. 2009 issue includes an exclusive review of LEKTOR 6 - so positive, that the speaker is featured on the front cover.
LEKTOR 8 hitting bulls eye in Norway
04. Лют 2009The Norwegian HiFi Magazin gives LEKTOR 8 a warm welcome.
LEKTOR 8 awarded
29. Січ 2009The January issue of Hifi Test features the best products (highlights) of 2008 , in several categories.We are proud that LEKTOR 8 was awarded “BEST OF HiFi Test 2008”.
LEKTOR 1 awarded
29. Січ 2009A reader survey in The German hifi online magazine, www.hifi-online.net , has selected DALI LEKTOR 1 as speaker of the year 2008 in it's price class.
IKON 6 awarded "Recommended"
16. Січ 2009The Indian, AV MAX Magazine, has reviewed DALI IKON 6 and we’re quite proud to receive the stamp "Recommended".
DALI IKON 6 reviewed in AV-MAX
16. Січ 2009The Indian, AV MAX Magazine, has reviewed DALI IKON 6 and we’re quite proud to receive the stamp "Recommended".
IKON 7 awarded in Portugal
09. Січ 2009DALI IKON 7 was voted as the product of the Year 2008 in the class of best speaker under 2500€ from the Portuguese Audio magazine
IKON 7 awarded
09. Січ 2009DALI IKON 7 was voted as the product of the Year 2008 in the class of best speaker under 2500€ from the Portuguese Audio magazine
HELICON 300 MK2 Review in Swedish Hifi & Musik magazine
09. Січ 2009From the deepest tones to the highest tweeter sounds it is ranked among the absolute cream of stand mount loudspeakers, and lets nothing left to wish no matter if you play jazz, hard rock or rock hard techno.
LEKTOR 6 reviewed i German STEREO Magazine
07. Січ 2009“DALI’s new speaker series hits the bull’s-eye: Straightforward, easy-care as well as musically to the core, attractive and homogeneously balanced – LEKTOR 6 is one of the most outstanding floor standing speakers below EUR 1.000,-.”
LEKTOR 8: Croatia
06. Січ 2009In the Autumn of 2008, LEKTOR 8 was introduced in Croatia in the HiFi-section of the daily newspaper VJESNIK. The editor uses the term "Warm wind from the north" regarding the introduction.
LEKTOR 6 tested Very Good in Germany
18. Гру 2008The German online Magazin on www.i-fidelity.net has evaluated the new DALI LEKTOR 6 and the conclusion is "Sehr gut!" (=Very Good)
LEKTOR 1 reviewed in German Stereoplay
18. Гру 2008In the January issue of Stereoplay the new DALI LEKTOR 1 is reviewed.
LEKTOR Series article in Kroatian Techno audio magazine
20. Лис 2008The new DALI LEKTOR 1, 6 and 8 made the newsrack in Kroatia this month with a fine article and first impressions.
MENTOR LCR awarded "Referenz"
19. Лис 2008The DALI MENTOR LCR has just been reviewed in German HeimKino magazine and won the award of "Referenz" with a score of 1,1 (where 1,0 is maximum score)
Flexible On-Wall loudspeakers - MENTOR LCR + SUB tested in Heimkino
15. Лис 2008DALI MENTOR LCR and MENTOR SUB is tested in HEIMKINO 12/2008 by Mr. Roman Maier.
DALI FAZON LCR 5.1 - Flat Panel-Friendly Speaker System
15. Лис 2008A DALI FAZON LCR 5.1 including BASIS 100 SUB review is issued in American Perfect Vision’s online magazine "Playback Magazine".
LEKTOR 8 awarded
27. Жов 2008The new DALI LEKTOR 8 has just been reviewed in German HiFi Test magazine and won the award of "Spitzenklasse" with a score of 1,1 (where 1,0 is maximum score)
LEKTOR 1 awarded in WHAT HI-FI?
20. Жов 2008We are proud to announce that DALI LEKTOR 1 got the prestigious "WHAT HI-FI? , BEST STEREO SPEAKER AWARD 2008" in it's priceclass.
IKON Series awarded "Product of the Year 2007"
18. Жов 2008DALI IKON® 6, 5.1 speaker system received the prestigious WHAT HI-FI? AWARD 2007 for the best speaker package in the price range £1500-£3000.
MENTOR Series awarded "überragend"
29. Вер 2008The DALI MENTOR Series was reviewed in the September issue of Heimkino (German). The MENTOR Series was awarded the very good score of "1,1", where "1" is the highest possible.
DALI FAZON LCR 5.1 – Sound Images in Spitzenklasse
15. Сер 2008Philipp Schäfer from the German AV-Magazin has tested DALI FAZON 5.1 system using the DALI BASIS 100 subwoofer. The result is a placement in the absolute top class (in Germany called "Spitzenklasse") and with the score “Very Good".
IKON 5 Ranked 5 out of 5 stars in France
15. Лип 2008In the July/August 2008 issue of the magazine Revue Du Son & Du Home Cinema (France), DALI IKON 5 is reviewed with great results by Mr. François Lacrampe and Mr. Romain Buthigieg. The overall score of the review is a top ranking with 5 out of 5 stars. Read the full review by clicking here (pdf, 475 kb).
IKON 5 ranked 5 out of 5 stars in France
15. Лип 2008
IKON 6 awarded - editors' choice
08. Лип 2008IKON 6 is among the chosen few of TAS 2010 Editors' Choice award winners in its price range category of Loudspeakers. Sonic transparency, refinement, and clarity are some of the words Playback Magazine uses on DALI's IKON 6 in an overall very positive r
IKON 6 reviewed
07. Лип 2008Sonic transparency, refinement, and clarity are some of the words Playback Magazine uses on DALI's IKON 6 in an overall very positive review.
DALI FAZON LCR - Fits the future
19. Чер 2008Stereoplay, the Germany HiFi magazine has reviewed DALI FAZON LCR 5.1 in the category of Spitzenklasse, meaning very high-end.
DALI MENTOR 5 Highly Recommended in the US.
15. Тра 2008DALI MENTOR 5 has been reviewed by Sean Fowler at “Affordable Audio”, an American internet magazine. Sean Fowler is very detailed in his analyses, although unfortunately he did not catch the fact that the DALI MENTOR series drivers are DALI’s own drivers
MENTOR 6 awarded "Spesielt anbefalt"
29. Кві 2008Norwegian magazine "Lyd & Bilde" awarded the MENTOR 6 the title "recommended"
MENTOR 2 awarded 5 stars in What HIFI
29. Кві 2008The British hifi magazine WHAT HI-FI? awards the DALI MENTOR 2 with 5 stars in their latest edition.
DALI HELICON 300MK2 Awarded at the 2007/08 VAD Show
15. Лют 2008The DALI HELICON 300MK2 is awarded "Recommended Loudspeaker" by the jury from the Sound And Vision Association (initiated by Dutch hifi.nl and German av-magazin.de). The jury stated the following as background for awarding HELICON 300MK2:
15. Гру 2007We are proud to announce, that DALI has been awarded by australian Sound + Image magazine in the December 2007 edition.
15. Гру 2007DALI CONCEPT 10 was claimed "Highly Recommended" at the 2008 Sound + Image Awards - based on a review by Mr. Greg Borrowman in the July/August 2007 edition of Sound & Image (Australia).
MENTOR 1 awarded 5 stars in What HIFI
07. Тра 2007We are very proud to announce, that the newly launched DALI MENTOR 1 has already got extremely positive feedback from a number of magazines and reviewers all over the world.
IKON 6 awarded "Best product 2006"
29. Січ 2007
IKON 6 awarded "Best product 2006"
29. Січ 2007It is with great pleasure, that we have received a diploma from the German magazine HiFi Test and editor in chief, Mr. Michael Voigt. DALI received the diploma, because HiFi Test has chosen DALI IKON® 6 as “Best Product 2006” among the floor standing speakers.
IKON 1 awarded
29. Січ 2007The Portuguese magazine AUDIO & CINEMA EM CASA has reviewed DALI IKON® 1 in the December 2006 issue. In the January 2007 issue – where “Best of 2006” have been selected, DALI IKON® 1 won the “Best Entry Level Speaker” title.
HELICON 400 awarded "Best product 2006"
29. Січ 2007In the “Best of 2006” issue of the German magazine HEIMKINO, DALI HELICON 400 was selected as “Best Product 2006” among floor standing speakers. The speaker was ranked with the grade 1.1 in the “Oberklasse” (upper-class).
HELICON 400 awarded "Best product 2006"
29. Січ 2007In the “Best of 2006” issue of the German magazine HEIMKINO, DALI HELICON 400 was selected as “Best Product 2006” among floor standing speakers. The speaker was ranked with the grade 1.1 in the “Oberklasse” (upper-class).
IKON 7 awarded "Best Buy"
29. Гру 2006Paul Messenger from Hi-Fi Choice(UK) tested the IKON 7 in the December issue and wrote this; "Unlike many large speakers, it also shows superior transparency and a lovely coherence..."
IKON Series awarded "Speaker of the year 2006"
29. Жов 2006In the October Issue 2006 of WHAT HI-FI SOUND AND VISION the DALI IKON 6, 5.1 speaker package wins the prestigious WHAT HI-FI AWARD. The award was given for product of the year 2006 in the category "speaker packages" in the price range £500 - £5750.
HELICON 800 - Awarded 5 stars in WHAT Hi-Fi
29. Тра 2006"They get to the heart of recordings without overanalysing, and have a full range of talents"
IKON 6 awarded "Highlight"
29. Кві 2006Wolfram Eifert from Stereoplay (Germany); "Adaptability and temperament have found a common denominator; Dali Ikon 6."
IKON 6 awarded 5 stars
29. Кві 2006Awarded 5 stars by Polish Audio Video Magasine
IKON 6 awarded "Best buy"
29. Бер 2006In the March issue of the high-end UK based "Hi-Fi News" the IKON 6 was tested against a line up of our respected collegues in loudspeaker production.
IKON 2 awarded 5 stars in What HIFI
29. Січ 2006What Hi-Fi (UK) reviewed the IKON 2 in December and had this to say about it: "[...] these standmounters are every bit as capable as their bigger brother."
IKON 6 awarded "Best stereo speaker 2005"
29. Гру 2005Awarded "Best Stereo Speaker 2005 under $3000" by the Australian Magazine "Smarthouse"
HELICON 400 awarded
29. Гру 2005The renowned US based high-end Hi-Fi magazine The Absolute Sound just released the awards issue for 2005.
IKON 6 awarded
29. Жов 2005The DALI IKON 6 won the prestigeous What Hi-Fi Award for Best Stereo Speaker £750-£1000. What Hi-Fi has over 1.000.000 readers world wide every month.
01. Вер 2004In the 146th issue of The Absolute Sound (USA), the very well respected mr. Robert E. Greene reviewed the DALI MEGALINE system with great results. Consequently the MEGALINE system got an Editors' Choice Award in the 2004 October/November issue of The Absolute Sound.