"What's The Dream" is the title of this unique DALI documentary filmed by Rene Sascha Johannsen, winner of the Sundance Movie Festival. "What's the Dream" is the continuation of the Lukas Graham US documentary and offers a unique look behind the scenes as Lukas Graham works on his American debut.
PART 3 & 4
Lukas Graham Band - US Documentary
When DALI teamed up with the Danish band Lukas Grahah, our gut feeling was that these young and very talented musicians with their passion, authenticity, and ability to move their audience, one day would conquer the world. In the spring of 2013, the band went to the US to do a couple of important showcases to present their music to some of the biggest record labels in the world.
In 2013 we followed the band's trip to the US and their visits to New York and Los Angeles - the result was an honest and no-nonsense two-piece documentary, that gave fans a unique chance to follow the band as they tried to "make it over there"
What's the Dream
Now Lukas Graham has return to Los Angeles to write and record his first American album. With him he bringes the two Danish producers and songwriters Morten Ristorp and Don Stefano. Together their mission is to pick the future collaborators for Lukas Graham's debut on American soil. DALI and winner of the Sundance Festival Rene Sascha Johannsen joined them and the result is two new episodes of the Lukas Graham US Documentary - Called "What's the Dream".
Get a look behind the scenes and experience Lukas Graham as he works on his debut in America.
Lukas Graham articles
US Documentary Part 1 & 2
DALI & Lukas Graham Cooperation
The Importance of Good Sound
An Evening at Restaurant Kadeau w/ Lukas Graham
Lukas Graham - "Happy Home" (CD Vol. 4)
FAZON F5 - Lukas Graham Anniversary Edition