BE THERE Podcast
On this podcast we’re joined by special guests David Hepworth, co-founder of Q and Mojo magazines, and best-selling rock biographer Joel McIver whose books include ‘Justice For All: The Truth About Metallica’ and ‘Spider From Mars: My Life With David Bowie’ with Woody Woodmansey.
David asks the question “Is the age of the rock star over?” And if it is, what brought this extraordinary species to its end? Joel tells us about his BE THERE magazine interview with the extraordinary John Leckie, the go-to producer for generations of alternative rock bands from The Stone Roses to Radiohead. And our guests make their personal choices of THE greatest five seconds in all pop.
Stream all the songs that we talk about via our Tidal playlist.
BE THERE WITH DALI is presented by Andrew Harrison with audio production by Jack Claramunt. It’s a Podmasters Production.
The content of Episode 2 is based on the first official printed issue of DALI’s new music magazine - also called BE THERE. You can get your free printed copy by signing up through the link below.
Sign up for the BE THERE music magazine!