BE THERE Podcast
Special guests Kate Mossman (Arts Editor of the New Stateman) and author and pop culture expert Travis Elborough joins us for the third episode of the BE THERE podcast. This time: our guests listen to their favourite albums as they’ve never heard them before, on DALI’s super-detailed CALLISTO and RUBICON speakers.
For Queen-loving Kate it’s their tragic masterpiece ‘The Miracle’ and for Travis it’s ‘Laughing Stock’, the under-appreciated final album by dream-pop architects Talk Talk. What will they discover about the albums they thought they knew inside out? Plus – the strangest recording techniques in studio history, and our guests choose their own personal Greatest Five Seconds In Pop History.
Stream all the songs that we talk about via our Tidal playlist.
BE THERE WITH DALI is presented by Andrew Harrison with audio production by Jack Claramunt. It’s a Podmasters Production.
The content of Episode 3 is based on the first official printed issue of DALI’s new music magazine - also called BE THERE. You can get your free printed copy by signing up through the link below.
Sign up for the BE THERE music magazine!