At DALI, we truly believe that producing excellent loudspeakers is more than just a matter of robust cabinet design and high technology specifications. It's much more than that. To create the best possible sound you need to be passionate about music. You have to pay respect to the artists, their sound and soul, by reproducing their music as close as possible to the way they intended it to sound.

From New York to Florence

We therefore proudly present the DALI "Nothing added. Nothing subtracted Tour". Taking you on an epic journey across the world from Florence to The Big Apple in search of the authentic sound, we let you discover the honesty and passion of street artists such as Jeff Fiorello, Piotr Tomaszewski, Eric Quilliam and The Tin Pan Blues Band.

Real life, true music
We have chosen to let real life street musicians communicate our desire for creating pure and authentic sound, because we feel we have a lot in common with these musicians. They play for a lot of reasons, but bottom line is that music is their passion, it's who they are, what they do best.

The featured musicians are not fictional. They are very much alive and play regularly if not every day where we found them. Nothing added. Nothing subtracted.

We intend to continue the journey in the future and hit the streets in other parts of the world, looking for more authentic music and enthusiastic performers.

In the meantime - Enjoy the music!
