04 - 07 FEB. 2025: DALI presenteert nieuwe inbouwluidsprekers in Barcelona
04. feb 2025De ISE (Integrated Systems Europe) is het jaarlijkse hoogtepunt als het gaat om geïntegreerde audio- en videotoepassingen. DALI maakt van de gelegenheid gebruik om de nieuwe PHANTOM inbouwluidsprekers te introduceren.
IO-8 hoofdtelefoon met AANC en HiFi-geluid
08. okt 2024Het HiFi-geluid van de IO-hoofdtelefoon overtuigt ook met ingeschakelde Audiophile Active Noise Cancellation (AANC) en behoudt veel (maar niet alle) sterke punten van het referentiemodel IO-12.
Nieuwe EPIKORE modellen aangekondigd
01. okt 2024Twee nieuwe vloerstaande luidsprekers en een compacte luidspreker completeren de referentieserie EPIKORE.
IO-12 HiFi-Koptelefoon wint EISA Award
15. aug 2024De Europese jury van vakjournalisten heeft de IO-12 in de categorie "Premium Wireless Headphone" uitgeroepen tot het beste product.
09. mei 2024Ook in 2024 vindt u de nieuwste DALI-luidsprekers op de High End in München. Een bezoek is zeker de moeite waard!
Dali presenteert de EPIKORE 11 @ NEW MUSIC High-End Innovation 2023 - Brussels, Belgium
01. nov 2023Première van de EPIKORE 11 in België Ervaar de gloednieuwe high-end vloerstaande luidspreker EPIKORE 11 op de NEW MUSIC High-End Innovation 2023 in Brussel. Aangesloten op de nieuwe NAD MASTERS M66 voorversterker en de bijpassende NAD MASTERS M23 eindversterker, blijven er nauwelijks audiophile wensen over. Ook aanwezig is de nieuwe HiFi-koptelefoon IO-12 van DALI.
Welkom op de iEar Show 2023
30. okt 2023Op 18 en 19 november 2023 presenteren wij DALI op de iEar beurs in Tilburg. Kom langs en beleef de DALI luidsprekers. We kijken ernaar uit om u te zien!
Nieuw: IO-12: Echte HiFi-hoofdtelefoon "met" en "zonder" kabel
24. okt 2023DALI presenteert de werelds eerste hoofdtelefoon met gepatenteerd SMC magneetsysteem, dat een absoluut vervormingsvrije geluidsweergave mogelijk maakt. Of het nu volledig passief is met een kabel of geactiveerd met Bluetooth en optionele ANC, de IO-12 overtuigt HiFi enthousiastelingen thuis net zo goed als de reiziger die onderweg naar zijn favoriete muziek wil luisteren.
EPIKORE 11: DALI viert 40 jaar audiofiele excellentie
21. sep 2023Het gat tussen de EPICON-serie en KORE wordt gedicht: De EPIKORE 11 luidspreker integreert tal van technologieën van ons vlaggenschip, de KORE luidspreker, en zet nieuwe normen voor high-end luidsprekerontwerp met lage vervorming.
Nieuwigheden: OBERON GRAND VOKAL en CI Inwall SUB
01. aug 2023In de tweede helft van 2023 heeft DALI een reeks nieuwe producten gelanceerd die zowel de klassieke thuisbioscoopenthousiast als de liefhebber van "onzichtbare" luidsprekers zullen plezieren.
Introducing the updated DALI Logo
05. feb 2019In 35 years we haven’t touched this, for us, iconic symbol of who we are and what we do. However, we feel that now is the time to introduce a more contemporary version of the logo that means the world to us.
17. okt 2018The DALI CALLISTO wireless speakers just got even better with its new MQA certification.
08. okt 2018We're pleased to announce that we have received three What Hi-Fi? awards this year for the OBERON 5, SPEKTOR 2 and KUBIK ONE.
Introducing the DALI OBERON series!
31. aug 2018IFA 2018 marks the world premiere of our brand new DALI OBERON, which brings the prefect musical reproduction to a wider audience.
23. aug 2018Join us at the coming IFA Show!
DALI CALLISTO receives an EISA AWARD for best Wireless system
15. aug 2018The result of the 2018 EISA awards are out and we are proud to announce that the DALI CALLISTO 6 C and the DALI Sound Hub has received an EISA award for best wireless speaker system.
BE THERE – Let's Talk Music
06. jul 2018We are proudly presenting BE THERE - the new DALI magazine and podcast, which are all about music.
Behind the scenes of the DALI CD, Vol. 5
04. jun 2018Follow us behind the scenes and see how the latest DALI album came to life.
DALI ALTECO C-1: Now Available in White
28. mei 2018The DALI ALTECO C-1 is a true master of diversity and now it is also available in a white finish.
25. mei 2018There is brand new merchandise in the music store - including the DALI Album, Vol. 5 and the Oak Record Crate.
18. apr 2018Please welcome the brand new DALI SUB C-8 D – the newest member of the DALI Subwoofer range.
10. okt 2017We are very proud to announce that we have received FOUR WHAT HI-FI Awards this year! The awards go to the SPEKTOR 2, the DALI KATCH, the KUBIK ONE and the ZENSOR 1 5.1 surround system.
DALI A/S opens Asia Pacific regional office in Kuala Lumpur
29. sep 2017DALI, Danish Audiophile Loudspeaker Industries, is proud to announce the opening of an Asia Pacific regional office in Kuala Lumpur. The office started operations on 14th August and is a new and exciting journey towards reaching even more music lovers worldwide.
Not one, but two EISA awards
15. aug 2017At the 2017-18 EISA Awards, DALI received not one, but two awards for 'Best Product'! Our high-end DALI PHANTOM S in-wall series was named best 'Home Theatre High-End', while the entry-level DALI SPEKTOR 6 received an award for 'Best Value Loudspeaker'.
New DALI merchandise added
04. jul 2017We have added new merchandise to our music store, which includes an updated version of the DALI mug, which comes in black and red, and 5 different acoustics panels featuring motives of street musicians.
High End in Munich 2017
03. mei 2017The High End Show 2017 in Munich is just around the corner - from 18th to 21th May, we will be exhibiting in A3.1, room D108
The new DALI SPEKTOR series
30. jan 2017We bring you the new DALI SPEKTOR series! A compact range with a whole lot of 'value for money'.
10 minutes of fame
22. dec 2016The DALI KATCH recently took the stage when it aired on Lebanese television.
Get behind the scenes
15. dec 2016Get behind the scenes with WHAT HI-FI? India, who recently visited the DALI headquarters.
WHAT HI-FI? Awards 2016
18. okt 2016Three is a very magical number on this grey Tuesday. Three is the number of the awards, which we’ve so proudly received at last night’s WHAT HI-FI? awards, and we couldn’t be more excited!
Meet DALI at Festival Son & Image 2016 in Paris
16. sep 2016Come visit the DALI stand at the Festival Son & Image
OPTICON receives an EISA Award
15. aug 2016The DALI OPTICON 5.1 system receives an EISA award for best 'European HT Speaker System 2016-2017'.
A new portable DALI
05. aug 2016We are soon about to unveil the first truly portable speaker by DALI – with a perfect balance between portability, superior audio performance, and exquisite Danish design.
DALI at IFA 2016 in Berlin
05. aug 2016This year DALI will be attending the 2016 IFA show in Berlin and a new addition to the DALI family will be revealed.
DALI at the 2016 Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show
03. aug 2016DALI will be participating in this years Hong Kong High-End Audio Visual Show - the largest AV trade show in Asia. So come and visit the DALI team at our stand from the 5 - 7 August.
Welcoming the new terminated DALI CONNECT Speaker Cables
30. jun 2016DALI is launching new terminated speaker cables to ensure the best quality from amplifier to speakers
The DALI Music Store goes live
17. mei 2016Our new official online DALI Music Store has gone live. Here you can buy music related items such as our DALI CD's and LP.
13. apr 2016The HIGH END Show in Munich is a recurring event for DALI and we will, of course, be represented at the show again this year.
New photos of the OPTICON range
06. apr 2016The brand new photos of the OPTICON range have arrived. Now it's time to upgrade that old wallpaper on your desktop.
Facebook competition: Win a pair of ZENSOR 1 AX or a KUBIK FREE
18. mrt 2016We are marking the soon-to-be-over winter with a competition on Facebook so if you have not been around our Facebook page yet, now may be a good time to do so.
Lukas Graham hitting the charts
15. mrt 2016Lukas Graham is climbing the charts around the world with his hit single ‘7 Years’. It is already #1 on several charts and is still moving up the US Billboard.
The OPTICON brochure has landed
26. jan 2016The final brochure for the DALI OPTICON range has just arrived. Get the full experience from the linked PDF.
The WHAT HI-FI Awards 2015
27. okt 2015We are very proud to announce that we have received two awards at this year’s 'WHAT HI-FI Awards'. The awards went to our KUBIK ONE sound system and the steady ZENSOR 1 5.1 surround system.
DALI OPTICON - Sound evolves. So do we.
08. jul 2015Today we reveal the name of our future IKON. The DALI OPTICON series. A high-performance speaker series created with a broad audience in mind.
A future IKON is coming
29. jun 2015A sneak preview of the future IKON - launching in August. Keep posted as more news will come at July 8.
Lukas Graham - Dansk ghettopop fra Hollywood
22. jun 2015I 2012 væltede Lukas Graham de danske hitlister med deres rekordsælgende debutalbum. Nu er bandet endelig tilbage på hitlisternes tinder med ”Lukas Graham (Blue Album)”. Vi har mødt den 26-årige forsanger på hans favorit-restaurant, Kadeau, til en snak om det nye album og samarbejdet med DALI.
Shanghai International Highend Exhibition 2015
27. apr 2015DALI returned for the yearly highend exhibition in Shanghai to showcase the DALI MENUET, KUBIK ONE and the RUBICON series.
New remote control for the KUBIK ONE
01. mrt 2015The prestigious British hi-fi magazine, WHAT HI-FI?, has reviewed the DALI KUBIK ONE in the December 2014 issue. With a top score in all three categories (“sound”, “features”, “build”), the KUBIK ONE was labeled as the overall test winner with five fantastic stars.
Winners in our end-user survey
05. dec 2014Thank you all for your contribution in connection with our end-user survey. We have now made a lucky-draw among the incoming answers.
TIAS 2014 in Tokyo
07. nov 2014DALI introduced the new RUBICON range at the 2014 Tokyo International Audio Show (TIAS).
DALI at the Sound & Vision show in Bristol
27. feb 2014Once again, DALI was represented at this years Bristol show with focus on the FAZON MIKRO, KUBIK FREE and ZENSOR 3.
DALI CALLISTO - World premiere at IFA Berlin
The IFA 2017 show in Berlin marks the world premiere of the new wireless DALI CALLISTO speaker system, which merges the virtues of traditional Hi-Fi with clever innovative technologies.
DALI about to offer BluOS® High-Res Multi-room option
DALI will join forces with Canada-based development company, Lenbrook International, and offer their BluOS high-resolution multi-room platform as an extension of DALI's upcoming wireless speaker solution. The BluOS ecosystem expands to bring greater flexibility to modern music lovers.