The reviewer from Fidelity, Knut Vadseth, finds the EPICON 8 visual attractive and likes the modern and modern & beautiful Danish design.
Knut Vadseth describes the cabinet of the EPICON 8 very thoroughly, and the EPICON 8 cabinet is lighter than some of the competitors' cabinets. However, this doesn't need to be a bad thing - on the contrary, actually. More constructors believe that unnecessary heavy cabinets absorbs the sound within the cabinet, so he therefore praises the cabinet of the EPICON 8. In correlation to the overall design of the cabinets, Knut Vadseth is impressed. The cabinet is of exquisite quality and very glossy in the laque. The bi-wiring terminal on the elegant back is one of the most solid and functional that Knut Vadseth has ever seen, and the same applies for the mono-wiring terminal. And even the spike set gives the user a great and solid impression of quality.
The deep bass in the EPICON 8 has a sound stage, an expression, a detail and a firmness, which is among the very best, that Knut Vadseth has ever heard in a living room. The potent and controlled bass seems a bit raw and provides the listener with great details. The dynamic sound performance of the EPICON 8 is overall formidable, and Knut Vadseth explains that the tweeter and the tranparent upper middle tone can't hardly be better.
One of the most important qualities with the EPICON 8, besides from the magnificent, precise and controlled sound picture, are it's ability to provide one with such rich details and colourful tones even in moderate sound levels.
The EPICON 8 shines and sparkles with an extreme sound stage and dynamics. The EPICON 8 is a true high-end sound sculpture!
The full review is available in "Fidelity" no. 60.