This grand setup that will take the breath away from anyone consists of two EPICON 8’s as front speakers, the EPICON VOKAL as the center, and two EPICON 6’s in the back and, just to add something extra to this setup, two SUB P-10 DSS’.
According to, this EPICON setup is simply epic and truly demonstrates that musicality, plasticity and detail resolution is found in many recordings! It’s delicate to experience the fine dynamic details in for example “Get Lucky” or “Give Life Back to Music” by Daft Punk, and the production of the music is a high-end recording when it streams in high resolution from the server. One cannot help it when the feets are rocking with the musical tunes. The EPICON 8's especially impressed with their astonishingly deep and solid bass and together with the perfect performance of the two SUB P-10 DSS’, this setup rocks! It is absolutely amazing how clean and uncompressed the speakers sounded even when testing them to its maximum.
Regardless of what else the testers from played from the server, this EPICON setup always provided a wonderful combination of fine dynamics, without consideration to the playback volume. This EPICON surround setup is enthusiastic, especially at the upper and lower end of the frequency spectrum with a unique balance of precision and velvety, which is almost impossible to imitate.
This EPICON setup is a true master of sound! They never lost control despite superficial effects at high volume and they keep the amazing clarity in musical soundtracks, where other high-end classified speakers, lose clarity. This is a multichannel setup for persons with exquisite taste in sound and design.
The full review is available at