Mark Craven tests the OBERON ON-WALLs in Home Cinema Choice magazine's latest review. He is impressed with the ON-WALL's eye-catching cabinet design and the robust and nuanced sound quality. The OBERON ON-WALLs receive four and a half stars, along with a 'Home Cinema Choice Recommended' status!
Mark is impressed with the OBERON ON-WALLs compact and stylish design: "the speakers' 12cm depth is shallow enough to really make these look like on-wall speakers, rather than a regular, boxier cabinet masquerading as one."
Mark begins by testing the ON-WALLs as a stereo pair: "they reveal an exceptional mid-range clarity, which results in lifelike vocals with music and strong instrumentation." He continues: "Bass punch is admirable, too; the drums in the intro to Slash's rock'n'roller Ghost (Tidal) have a goodleading edge."
Moving onto movies, Mark tests the ON-WALLs in a 2.1 set-up and also as the surround channels in a 5.1 set-up. He praises them for their "rich dialogue delivery and crisp treble."
The overall verdict: "Supremely stylish and well-made on-wall cabinets from DALI, with an accomplished performance."
The full review is available in January's issue of Home Cinema Choice magazine.